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Re: viking runestone in Oklahoma
At 20:13 25/08/99 -0400, you wrote:
>As a former history teacher, I have to put my 2 cents in here.
>American history books, at least back when I was teaching in the 70's and
>80's, taught that there were probably many visitors from Europe to the "New"
>World prior to Columbus and his cohorts. Leif was foremost among those
>mentioned. However, the books taught, and I agree, that Columbus'
>contribution was that his voyage to America opened up these continents for
>exploitation. Therefore, his voyage resulted in their 'discovery.'
>It is very similar to the concept of some 'little whole in the wall'
>restaurant that has been around for years finally making it big when someone
>takes the idea and markets it. McDonald's and its trademark Golden Arches
>comes to mind here. The McDonald brothers have been immortalized much like
>Amerigo Vespucci, but the man behind McDonald's was Ray Kroc and the man who
>gets the credit for discovering America is Christopher Columbus.
Connie, you are right but we should never forget:
Christopher Columbus never set foot on the |Continent of
North America
Christopher Columbus never claimed to have 'discovered'
Christopher Columbus went to his grave still believing
that he had reached the Indies.
Christopher Columbus did not herald "The Great Age of
Discovery" but "The Great Age
of Extermination" as practised by the
Conquisatadores who termed it
'moral sanitation' which is merely a
euphemism for 'ethnic cleansing'.
Christopher Columbus was a mercenary with all the greed
and brutality of that breed
of Man. He had no redeeming features. He
lied and lied and lied.
The myth about Columbus's discovery of America is probably one of the
biggest deceptions ever practised
because it suited the Vatican at that time. (Treaty of Tordesillas 1496
which divided the World into Spanish
and Portuguese spheres of influence just as, later on, the World was to be
divided between U.S. and Russian
spheres of influence. History has a tendency to repeat itself. Weapons
may change. Man doesn't.
The tragedy is that the myth about Columbus is still being disseminated in
our schools with only passing reference to
the Vikings and others. History is being distorted and a butcher is being
sanctified. Neither
we nor the indigenous people of America have any reason to be 'grateful' to
Christopher Columbus. His
visit to the New World was one of the blackest chapters in European
history. No amount of propaganda
can disguise the truth about the atrocities which he and his men committed.
Niven Sinclair
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