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Re: Argyll-the Geal=Names
Neal , that is a most interesting comment on the "diaspora" of
the Sinclairs. As an Australian member from the Caithness branch, I
find it even more interesting. The fair skinned Redheads are still
turning up among my grandchildren, despite my father being a mixed
red/black ( he had a red beard) and two of my grandchildren have
the red hair.
My mother had dark hair and brown eyes, yet her siblings were fair. I was
born with dark hair and skin which fried in the sun, and all my children
with my dark haired, fair skinnned husband are fair skinned ,
differing shades of hair, blue eyed, with one brown eyed exception. Most
are unmistakeably resembling my Sinclair cousins.
As people tend to marry physical types that are like to their family of
origin or psychological types that compliment their own strengths and
lacks, it may not be surprising that there is a similarity in colouring
I know I recognised Niven on our first meeting, although I had never seen
photographs of him, becasue of a physical resemblance to my Dad.
Yet they were second cousins.
At 11:56 31/08/99 -0400, you wrote:
Thank you John and Niven for your
timely contributions.
One of the curious aspects that led me on a tangent
this summer in research was the use of gaelic language and the naming or
descriptive uses of the names of individuals. Let me share with you what
I am gradually discovering.
One is that the naming traditions before 1600 are
something of a mystery. We are so imbued with the thought that an
individual has to have a christian name and a surname it comes a bit
foriegn to us that a surname may not be important or more easily
descriptive than a proper family surname. It may be advanced that
surnames were not important, not commonly used and never were written
where the culture was illiterate, (meaning they couldn't either read and
/or write or had little need to learn). This was widespread before 1700
and very widespread before 1600 in rural areas as well as the cities.
In discussions of this aspect of the absence of a
Proper Surname name in social traditions I have found the reasons were
simple. The concept of ancestral history was limited to those with
property and others simply had no reason to use or adopt one in the
absence of a need for written records. The key importance for naming was
Christian names which focused then if anything primarily on father - to -
son relationships. I have found it is with Christian naming patters that
the ancestral ties were preserved. Hence the practice was common of using
grandfathers names as Christian names for their
Descriptive names in both Gaelic and English
were common and refered to the individuals trade or occupation. It was
oddly enough an early form of advertising and recognizing the skills or
abilities of the individual. Secondarily, some descriptions were based on
geography. This ment that we had descriptive names in both languages ie
Gealic=Ceards and ie. English = Smiths. Now the key question is simply
that one can make no assumption that everyone carrying the trade name or
a descriptive name was related by blood nor can one assume that the
gaelic "sons of" all were related to one another. This may be
different when the "son of" refers to a proper name ie.
MacDougall or son of Dougall.
The conclusions I get thus far, is that the naming
traditions were, prior to 1600, at best confusing and at worst followed a
number of social patterns that combined descriptions of trades, geography
and tradition, families and titles. The further back one gets in time the
more the social use of surnames / proper names appears unimportant (apart
from property). On the other hand from 1700 to today the use of surnames
becomes increasingly important until today it requires a statutory
process to legally change ones name after birth. Not so in Shakesperes
time. This conclusion in so far as I have come to have a conclusion,
is limited in this one important aspect. In Scotland and elsewhere
there were common use of surnames based on geography and family
relationship going well back in time to before 1000 with some family
names which obviously are the basis of what we appreciate today as the
core of Clan History. But these names are best traceable with the chief
or lairds connected with title and family peoperty. Hence the line of the
Earles of Caithness and Sinclair is well documented through lineage,
property and title. This does not apply directly to the general
population of the Orkneys, Caithness or for that matter Argyll betewn
1000 and 1800.
The second I have a really interesting learning curve
to understand and that is our assumptions arising from gaelic as a
langauge written and spoken. I am further behind here. Gaelic is blurred
with Scots useage, dialects and it being a "sort of dead
language" here is North America. It does not help that it was
outlawed in 1745 in Scotland and English became dominent for education. I
have good evidence that gaelic was spoken widely in Argyll and used by
the first immigrant Sinclairs to Canada and the United States and
Australia (1200-1850'sff). There is a revival movent today with the
language and there are 2 colleges of Gaelic in Nova Scotia and Celtic
study departments are here in the University of Toronto and St Francsis
Xavier University to name a couple of other acedemic institutions. I have
learned two thing on this, it is a tough language to learn and appreciate
and secondly I am not about to devote what it takes to absorb this so I
have approached some wiser than I in the spealing of the
Now Niven you may have given a clue for the dispora
of the Sinclairs when at one point you suggested that there were at least
11 pockets of Sinclairs that started following the Battle of Hastings and
that they may have initially dispersed all over. This would be
interesting if true because it would not be illogical as other families
did this. The tight unit of families associated with geography is not a
neat as we would hope.
Now the current speculation of skin colour I have
reservations about. One can remember that if any gene mix from 1588 is
examined there are some 20 or so generations of "mixing" and
whether we are dark or light skinned is very moot. Even if there was a
pocket of Spanish that did not inter mingle I imagine that physical
characteristics are complex when origins are studied. Then one realls the
migrations into Argyll 1700 to 1900 were massive Sinclairs included and
all best are off. I mention the fair skinned red heads but in my family
they could have come as easily from the Earle of Morton as from the
Sinclairs of Argyll.
Now some of the discussion with the Spanish recalls
some of the debate with Mr. Ramsay as to proofs and folklore. Our group
has been reading all we can on Argyll and this Spanish hypothesis has
just now surfaced. Karen informs us that McNokairds go back to 1200 in
naming traditions and the Spanish is a connection with 1588? The
interesting part is the connection with Gaelic in Spain illustrating if
anything those picts and scots "got around". Still even verbal
folklore has an importance so we wait to learn more.
So the Sinclair History is advancing a bit and the
current discussion is relevant to Sinclairs whether they be tied to
Caithness the Orkneys or the Argyll regions and assists us in
appreciating genealogy, names, and derivations of names in a social
Yours Aye;
[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@mids.org
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