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Re: Laird
Dear Laurel
Here is two answers in one
T?he Knights Templar were disbanded in 1307. The shroud of Turin is in fact
not the
imprint of Christ but the imprint of Jacques De Molay, the last grandmaster
of the
Knights Templar. It was put on display 50 years after his death by the
family of Jeffrey
De Charney. The wounds suffered by De Molay are the same as those suffered
"Carbon Dating has conclusively shown that the shroud of Turin dates from
1260 - 1380..."
It's interesting that the carbon dating were released by the Roman Catholic
Church on
October 13th 1989. October 13th is the day on which De Molay was burnt at
the stake.
1118-1136 Hugh dePayens
1136-1146 Robert de Craon
1146-1149 Everard des Barres
1149-1153 Bernard de Trmelai
1153-1156 Andre de Montbard
1156-1169 Bertrand de Blanchefort
1169-1171 Philip de Milly
1171-1179 Odo de St Amand
1179-1184 Arnold de Toroga
1185-1189 Gerard de Ridfort
1191-1193 Robert de Sable
1193-1200 Gilbert Erail
1201-1208 Philip de Plessiez
1209-1219 William de Chartres
1219-1230 Pedro de Montaigu
(???)-1244 Armond de Perigord
1245-1247 Richard de Bures
1247-1250 William de Sonnac
1250-1256 Reynald de Vichiers
1256-1273 Thomas Berard
1273-1291 William de Beaujeu
1291-1293 Tibald de Gaudin
1293-1314 Jacques de Molay
The Scots word 'laird is a shortened form of 'layerd , an older Scots word
from an Anglo-Saxon term meaning lord. It implied ownership of landed
property in the form
of an estate. By the 15th cent, it was widely used of lesser landowners
holding directly of the
crown and therefore entitled to go to Parliament, but lairds were clearly
distinguished from the
higher aristocracy or lords of Parliament. In the 16th and 17th cents, it
was commonly applied
to the chief of a Highland clan with no other title, as in 'the laird of
McGregor .
The feuing movement which peaked at the time of the 16th cent Reformation
enabled tenants
to buy for a steep price feu charters which apart from a small ongoing feu
duty bestowed
virtual ownership. Some of these tenants, really small proprietors, were
known as 'bonnet
lairds , but the term is jocular, and it is best to equate the rank of laird
with the possession of a
barony held either of the crown or of a great lord of regality such as
*Argyll, who had the
right to create his own baronage.
Lairds were therefore a numerous class in rural Scotland, though decreasing
relative to the
higher nobility over time. Baronial jurisdiction was extensive, though
subject to appeal to the
royal sheriff court or the regality court. The lairdly particle was the word
'of , as in 'Irvine of
Drum or 'Ferguson of Kilkerran . The number of lairds is difficult to state
before the s8th
cent., but allowing for the large number of baronies directly in crown or
noble hands, equating
the laird class with all others, and remembering that in a Fife parish such
as Creich there were
at one stage three baronies, a figure in the lowish thousands seems the
maximum. They were
not a homogeneous class: Orkney and Shetland produced merchant-lairds. When
landlords, defined as those with a rental over £2,000 Scots (£166 135. 4d.
sterling), already
held by 1770 half the agrarian wealth of Scotland and were consolidating
their ascendancy,
businessmen were buying into the laird class around the larger cities. As
baronies survived
after 1747, it is still possible to buy laird status with an estate which is
a barony
> Who can explain this?
> Laurel
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- References:
- Laird
- From: "Spirit One Email" <laurel@spiritone.com>