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Re: The Orkney Sinclairs
You poor thing! But I see what you mean. I get the same thing when I
try to put the address on this screen and go to it. But when I go to my
favorities, it comes up every time????? Try putting it in your favorites
and see if you can sneek (new tekie term, ha) it through that way. Let me
-----Original Message-----
From: Gordon Holmes <lafleur@home.com>
To: sinclair@jump.net <sinclair@jump.net>
Date: Tuesday, September 14, 1999 6:14 PM
Subject: Re: The Orkney Sinclairs
>Sigh, Week after week they say "not on this server" Is there another
>site? Thanks, Gord
>Spirit One Email wrote:
>> Gordon,
>> Do you know about the website concerning the descendants of the
>> Bay employees and their Cree wives. It is very nicely done
>> http://www3.yt.sympatico.ca/serena/index/htm
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Gordon Holmes <lafleur@home.com>
>> To: sinclair@jump.net <sinclair@jump.net>
>> Date: Thursday, May 27, 1999 6:19 PM
>> Subject: Re: The Orkney Sinclairs
>> >
>> >My gggg grandfather "William the Elder" was born on Orkney and became a
>> >Chief Factor for the H.B.C. in Manitobia and the start of my mothers
>> >side of the family. I was wondering if your people were closly related
>> >to mine..? Thanks, in kinship, Gordon Vaughan Sinclair Holmes
>> >
>> >MSiperek@aol.com wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Paul,
>> >> I believe that you may desend from the same line that I do. My
>> >> grandfather Alexander Sinclair was born in OrkneyJan. 2, 1872 in St.
>> >> Margaret's Hope and had a brother Robert who was born Jan. 1, 1869 in
>> >> Margaret's Hope. There were 12 children in Robert's and Alexander's
>> family.
>> >> Let me know if you think this is the same family. I have attached a
>> copy of
>> >> their parents 50th aniversary article. Hope we find the link. I was
>> told
>> >> by a 90 year old man in St. Margaret's Hope last year that one of the
>> >> Sinclairs married a Norquay. If this is the same family, I have some
>> >> pictures I would be happy to share. Marilyn
>> >>
>> -
>> >> >From a newspaper article from the Orkney Islands-
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sinclair, Oyce, attained their jubilee of
>> marraiage on Wednesday of this week, having been married by Rev. Peter G.
>> Gilrath, parish minister (who died this month) on 16th June 1859. As Mr.
>> Sinclair went to the island of Swona for his better half, Miss Allan, the
>> marriage ceremony took place there. This created no small stir, as there
>> had been no such ceremony on that island within the memory of the
>> inhabitants of that time. Mrs. Sinclair's brother still resides in
>> while she has a widowed sister in St. Margaret's Hope. The happy pair
>> both of the same age, 26, when united together and have now reached the
>> age of 76 years. They have spent those fifty years in peace and
>> all of their friends and well-wishers desire that their latter end may be
>> even better than their beginning; and they have received many tokens of
>> friendship and goodwill from far and near on this auspicious occasion.
>> should be mentioned that Mr. Sinclair like all who bear that ancient and
>> honoured name, represents a branch of the famous "St. Clairs of the
>> Belonging to his family were eight brothers, namely, Malcolm, Alexander,
>> John, James, George, William, Isaac, and Robert. Only two are still
>> Alexander who has for a number of years resided in Galt, Toronto, and
>> Robert, whose golden wedding has just taken place. George Sinclair was
>> known as the respected postmaster of St. Margaret's Hope, while William
>> Isaac were farmers at Lower and Upper Olad, and John at Gard, near to one
>> another. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sinclair have had a large family of eleven
>> children, while 5 sons and 5 daughters are still alive, some of them
>> abroad. There is one in Africa, one in Australia, two in America, two in
>> Liverpool, one in Glasgow, one in Barbsley, Yorkshire, and one at home.
>> far as grandchildren, they number eighteen. At present the aged couple
>> cheered and comforted by the presence of their son, William along with
>> wife from New York, who have timed their visit for this happy event. Old
>> Mr. Sinclair in his younger days was very fond of music and for 14 years
>> the precantor of St. Mary's Kirk under the Rev. Messre??(hard to read
>> Walker and Forbes. And for 14 years he resided in Olad- 1861-1875-
>> he came to his present residence.
>> >[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@jump.net.
>> >[ To get off or on the list, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html
>> >
>> [ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@jump.net.
>> [ To get off or on the list, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html
>[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@mids.org
>[ To get off or on the list, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html
[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@mids.org
[ To get off or on the list, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html