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Re: Sinclair Genealogy Digest Number 11
Settle down now, children! IMHO this has degenerated
into an arena with 2 bulls waving red flags at each
other. Can we please get back to the usual
discussions? Are ALL Sinclairs this mule-headed? I
know mine are. Maybe this is why we find Sinclairs
on both sides of warring contentions throughout
history. It would be so nice if we could all
recognize that this is a trait that requires
RESTRAINT, not exercise. Why, oh why must we always
have the last word? Let's all laugh at ourselves and
move on - PLEASE!
---Rory Sinclair <rory.sinclair@accglobal.net> wrote:
> Hi Jean:
> It's me Rory... we have corresponded over the
years. Jean: 2 points.
> 1: I for one greatly appreciate the work you have
done. Congratulations!
> 2: Offense can be found in practically anything
anybody says if you look for
> it. The messages over which you have taken umbrage
are not, in my humble
> opinion, deserving of the dressing down you are
serving out. The two are
> simply not commensurate so I will go out on a limb
and simply say that no
> one is out to get you and please turn down the
volume. Discussions are much
> easier when we stick to issues that the peripheral
> Yours aye...................Rory
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jean Grigsby <jgrigsby@bcni.net>
> To: sinclair@mids.org <sinclair@mids.org>
> Date: Sunday, September 19, 1999 10:06 AM
> Subject: Re: Sinclair Genealogy Digest Number 11
> >I am 62 - my local society calls it the Social
Security Death index and no
> I
> >did not know the initials and no I have never used
it and no I am not a
> liar
> >and yes I do resent the implication.
> >
> >My late father always said if you ask enough
questions and the right
> >questions you will find what you needed to know.
> >Jean
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: milamba <milamba@milamba.com>
> >To: <sinclair@mids.org>
> >Sent: Saturday, September 18, 1999 1:59 PM
> >Subject: Re: Sinclair Genealogy Digest Number 11
> >
> >
> >>Jean,
> >>
> >>SSDI = Social Security Death Index. but I'm quite
sure you knew that -
> >>couldn't have ever read a book on American
genealogy without knowing it!
> >>
> >>As to the rest - my thoughts are in agreement
with Lena's
> >>
> >>Margaret.
> >>
> >>At 03:42 PM 18/09/99 -0700, you wrote:
> >>>I will not dignify the statement regarding $$$
with a response. It is an
> >>>insult to every hard-working genealogist in the
United States. There is
> >no
> >>>profit in genealogy unless you take the research
of someone else and do
> >not
> >>>spend the hours and hours and travel the miles
and miles to dig out the
> >>>information. To insinuate otherwise only proves
that you have not
> trodden
> >>>that path yourself. As my CPA is fond of
saying, "you may break even if
> >>>you live to be 150!" If you wish to make money,
you publish a trashy
> >>>novel - you do not publish a family history.
> >>>
> >>>I have no idea what the SSDI base is, nor do I
intend to find out. My
> >>>entire research has been documented directly
from the primary source and
> >>>used only to preserve the 35 years of family
histories entrusted to me.
> >>>
> >>>I have no fear of the internet whatsoever - What
is there to fear? After
> >>>teaching 25 years and completing 5 years of
college, I do however, have
> a
> >>>fear of the loss of an individual's right to
preserve their own history,
> >>>and a great fear of new knowledge being lost as
authors and musicians are
> >>>finding their materials stolen daily.
> >>>Jean
> >>>
> >>>----- Original Message -----
> >>>From: Lena A L <lal@algonet.se>
> >>>To: <sinclair@mids.org>; milamba
> >>>Sent: Saturday, September 18, 1999 12:41 PM
> >>>Subject: Re: Sinclair Genealogy Digest Number 11
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> >Dear Jean and others who fear the Global
> >>> >
> >>> >Jean Grigsby wrote:
> >>> >>
> >>> >> My feelings derive from the many, many
people who have requested that
> >>>their
> >>> >> family history not be used for public
> >>> >>
> >>> >>
> >>> >>
> >>> >The future Global base it not intended to be
public in the sense that
> >>> >the whole world population may access the
base. It's for Sinclairs
> only,
> >>> >that's why the base it NOT accessible via the
net for the time being.
> >>> >
> >>> >>
> >>> >>
> >>> >>
> >>> >>
> >>> >>
> >>> >> I can still recall my
> >>> >> nephew calling me late one night as he had
found my parents (his
> >>> >> grandparents) listed on a website and only
one child listed - me. He
> >was
> >>> >> extremely upset and to be quite frank so was
I. I had never heard of
> >the
> >>> >> person and when contacted he admitted he had
copied the data from a
> >small
> >>> >> family book I had published in 1970 - 29
years ago.
> >>> >>
> >>> >>
> >>> >>
> >>> >>
> >>> >>
> >>> >
> >>> >The important word above is the word
PUBLISHED........ make it
> public...
> >>> >and as you made it public there are no way of
you stopping who ever
> from
> >>> >doing the same as long as they have access to
the source (unless they
> >>> >violate rules of copywrite etc), just like you
do when you quote some
> >>> >other writer or person when giving information
on this list.
> >>> >
> >>> >>
> >>> >>
> >>> >>
> >>> >>
> >>> >>I had only made 10
> >>> >> copies for family members and unfortunately
one of the recipients
> >passed
> >>> >> away and during this 20 year period it had
ended up in an "in-laws"
> >>>hands -
> >>> >> a person not even related to the family.
> >>> >>
> >>> >>
> >>> >>
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >That is exactly why me and Margaret are the
only ones, at the moment,
> >>> >that have access to the base. In the future
though a copy of the base
> >>> >will be held in the Sinclair Archives in
Scotland accessible to
> >>> >researcher in the same way old documents are
> >>> >
> >>> >I think the fear has to do with fear of new
technology but if we
> realize
> >>> >that there are no relevant difference between
documents that consists
> >>> >of 101010101110000101010100111000010000, bit,
byte, kb, mb etc and
> >>> >documents made out of paper or old papyrus
scrolls for that matter.
> When
> >>> >it comes down to basics it's pure data all of
it. And I am quite
> >>> >convinced Jean that you would not argue that
access to old documents
> are
> >>> >the base of all historical research. And Jean,
have you never used the
> >>> >SSDI base on the net?
> >>> >
> >>> >>
> >>> >>
> >>> >> This has become a concern for most
professional genealogists and most
> >of
> >>> >> them are simply refusing to share their
> >>> >>
> >>> >>
> >>> >
> >>> >I'm sorry Jean but I believe their motives for
refusal has nothing to
> do
> >>> >with the above. I think it has to do with
$$$$$$$$. They will be out of
> >>> >business if all data where easy accessible on
the net. But that's a
> >>> >whole different issue which I don't wish to
discuss further.
> >>> >>
> >>> >>
> >>> >>
> >>> >>I refuse to allow a few
> >>> >> to disrupt what I feel is an important goal
- hence my refusal to
> send
> >>>out
> >>> >> material on any branch unless the person
requesting the material is a
> >>>proven
> >>> >> descendant of that branch.
> >>> >>
> >>> >>
> >>> >
> >>> >Well, then there will be much easier when
learning history in the
> >>> >future. No kings, no generals, no regents or
royal families to memorize
> >>> >as there will be no public records of them left.
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >>
> >>> >> Perhaps others will be as honest as I have
been and state their true
> >>> >reasons
> >>> >>
> >>> >>
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >As managing director of a historical museum I
know the importance of
> >>> >leaving documentation behind for coming
generations to explore,
> research
> >>> >and learn from. My true reason for starting
this project was to gather
> >>> >as much information as possible in one place
without any profit what so
> >>> >ever for my self (more than the warm feeling
that I might have helped
> >>> >some future researcher in the year 2099). And
then, of course,
> >>> >professional genealogists do have to think of
the profit....... I
> don't!
> >>> >
> >>> >Regards
> >>> >Lena
=== message truncated ===
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