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Re: Castingsof Rosslyn Carvings
Dear Niven,
Thank you for your prompt reply. I don't like this. Let me discuss
with Brad and Donald. Maybe we can come up with a strategy that will
produce some positive results.
In the past two years I have purchased several items from what is now
Vessels, Inc. I have a good working relationship with the people who worked
the company's tent at Stone Mountain, Tim, John and a young lady who may
have been the wife of one of the two gentlemen. Perhaps, with some
discretion, they could be persuaded to honor the contract between the
previous owners of the business and Friends of Rosslyn.
Thanks for the background material.
PS. There products are of excellent quality and perhaps we could offer a
bone to the effect that the Clan Sinclair Association would promote their
products in some fashion.
Ward Ginn
-Original Message-----
From: Niven Sinclair <niven@niven.co.uk>
To: wginn@worldnet.att.net <wginn@worldnet.att.net>; sinclair@mindspring.com
Cc: sinclair@mids.org <sinclair@mids.org>; Behottiere@aol.com
<Behottiere@aol.com>; RSTCLAIR8@aol.com <RSTCLAIR8@aol.com>;
Selvermj@aol.com <Selvermj@aol.com>;
<sinclairclanchief@girnigoetrust.freeserve.co.uk>; laurel@spiritone.com
<laurel@spiritone.com>; scottish.visitor@virgin.net
<scottish.visitor@virgin.net>; jsq@mids.org <jsq@mids.org>; Jim Munro
<jim.munro@dial.pipex.com>; Ian Sinclair - Manchester
<iansinclair@nosshead.freeserve.co.uk>; GDSinclair@aol.com
<GDSinclair@aol.com>; sinclair@gis.net <sinclair@gis.net>;
euan@ukfc.swinternet.co.uk <euan@ukfc.swinternet.co.uk>;
sinclair@mindspring.com <sinclair@mindspring.com>
Date: Monday, November 15, 1999 11:23 AM
Subject: Castingsof Rosslyn Carvings
In 1994 we engaged Steven D. Nicklas, PhD of PFR Reproductions of Atlanta
(later of
Decatur) Georgia to make moulds of several of the more important carvings
within Rosslyn
Chapel because of the visible deterioration which was taking place. We were
anxious to
be able to re-produce an exact likeness in the event of the original
carving crumbling away
to nothing - a very real danger as those people who have visited the Chapel
over the years
will testify.
Mr Nicklas and his team of four experts agreed to pay for their own
air-fares from Atlanta
on the understanding that they would be able to reproduce these carvings
for sale within
the U.S. but, once their air-fares had been recovered, the profits would be
split evenly
between PFR Reproductions and the Friends of Rosslyn for the upkeep of
Rosslyn Chapel.
Over the years, I made several attempts to contact Mr Nicklas to no avail
and, finally,
requested the Clan Sinclair Commissioner for Georgia, Donald Sinclair, to
seek out Mr
Nicklas which he did. Mr Nicklas had apparently sold the business and,
from the information contained in the e-mail under reply, it would appear
that the business has again
been sold on to Vessels Limited. No matter, Vessels Limited in taking
over another
business must accept the liabilities of that business as well as its
assets. Part of that
liability was (and is) to make due payment to the Friends of Rosslyn so
that the Friends of Rosslyn can, in turn, pass on the money to RCT Limited
(a Trust which was formed after the
agreement with PFR Reproductions).
It should be stated that (a) PFR Reproductions were chosen because of their
expertise in this field (having been chosen by the Egyptian authorities to
carry out similar work in that country) and (b) by Historic Scotland who
recognised the need to 'preserve' ancient carvings by making moulds of them.
Despite numerous promises no money was ever received by the Friends of
Rosslyn for
any carvings made and sold by PFR Reproductions or their successors.
I personally paid over £4,000 for the necessary materials to allow the
casts to be made
and still have the receipt in my possession. It was never my intention to
reclaim this
amount. I simply wanted to 'prime the pump' in order to obtain a flow of
funds for Rosslyn
Chapel. The agreement with PFR Reproductions served three goals. The
first was to ensure the quality of the reproductions; the second was to
eliminate the high cost of freighting or posting such items overseas; and,
the third, was to ensure a data-base of
Rosslyn's unique carvings for posterity.
I have tried to make contact with Vessels Limited but ,so far, I have only
'talked with' an
answering machine. I will continue to persevere and hope others will do
the same.
Niven Sinclair
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