We plan to travel to the North East next summer and would love
to hear more about these and other activities going on.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 1999 1:07
Subject: Leif Eriksson Celebrations
Dear Laura,
This would seem to tie in with your own
expected arrival in America. Perhaps, we can arrange a
Dear all Susan Green Grady has sent me
information re next year's celebrations. It can be found on www.leif2000.org/Events.htm. There is to be a
Viking Exhibition at the Smithsonian next summer and an Assembly in
Philadelphia, Pa. in October with a dinner on 9th October. There will be a
gathering of ships in August at L'Anse Aux Meadows, Newfoundland hoping to
be in Halifax, Nova Scotia on Aug 26/27th. Are there any plans to
participate in these events? I will try to come to something if it makes
sense and helps beat the drum. It might help to cement the good work done
by Niven on his recent trip. Thoughts please. There was an article in The
Times here last week saying the Northern Scots got to USA in 800's before
the Vikings. It was likely to have been a Sinclair of Viking
descent!! Malcolm