There were many other issues surrounding the miners
and the uprising. After seeing the interest from my last posting, I thought I'd
give a bit more detail on the events that ultimately had the stockade erected.
And most importantly how the name Eureka came about.
After many complaints about the license issues, the
troubles continued.
The miners accused the government of allowing the
owner of the Eureka hotel, James Bentley, to go free after he and his bouncers
killed a drunken miner, James Scobie, on 6 Oct 1854 outside the hotel. The angry
miners wanted justice, so they took the law into their own hands on 17 Oct,
burning down Bentley's Hotel. The miners then formed the Ballarat reform league
on 11 Nov at Bakery hill, electing a seven man committee to represent them in
their negotiations with the government over Bentley and the licensing fee's.
eventually the government agreed to try Bentley, who was sentenced for
manslaughter, but the Government also imprisoned three miners for burning down
the Hotel.
The miner's were infuriated.
Their representatives visited the Gov, but they
refused to release the three miners, and sent more troopers to the gold fields
to maintain order. So on 29 Nov 1854, the miners burnt their licenses and
hoisted a flag of their own - The Eureka flag - Declaring they would govern
themselves. The gold Commissioner ordered a spot check of licenses the next day
and tried to round up those who had burnt their licenses. The miners refused to
go. He read the riot act. The miners decided to fight it out. Swearing
allegiance to their new flag, symbolizing the southern cross in the night
This was when the stockade was built.
I love the stories about these miners. They were
men from all over the world who united together. They made a difference.