In a previous message you mentioned the
possibility of William's death connected with the de Hautevilles. Have you
found new information, or was there a conspiracy between Arnulf and de
In "Historical Atlas of the Vikings" by John Haywood, it says, "Rollo was made count of Rouen. (the rulers of Normandy did not use the title "duke" before 1006)." I found in "William the Conqueror" by David
C. Douglas the description of how through the reign of the Counts of Normandy
they bestowed upon their many relatives the title of Count also. Finally
it seemed that Richard II began to use the title of Duke to distinguish himself
above his relatives and other counts. I think there have been references
to the title of Duke being used much earlier in rare instances (and these might
be a corruption that crept in from more modern authors) than 1006 and William
the Conqueror used Count occasionally much later than 1050. We may say
that generally it is more correct to use Count when speaking of Rollo, William
his son, and Richard I and then with Richard II, III, Robert and William the
Bastard/ Conqueror it is more correct to use Duke.