Hi Margaret:
And a hearty welcome to the Sinclair "groups of the
world" from all the members of Clan Sinclair USA! As you and I have been
saying lately in our e-mails, this allows us to
change the current seating arrangement from the three legged
stool(Scotland,Canada,USA) to a more dignified chair. But Niven has
cautioned us all not to have arms on the chair because we have much too much to
do - agreed.
Whenever you are ready we will add another waving
flag to our website so that the fourth and newest group can join the parade(www.clansinclairusa.org) Tell
everyone how you got organized and about your plans. We will exchange news
stories in our respective newsletters as we now do with Scotland and
Canada. I have mailed you a copy of our "Yours Aye" newsletter, published this
I see that a number of our members have given you
their personal welcome since you have gone "public" - just another
indication of our enthusiasm. For our members who read this may I
encourage you to add your greetings to our cousins "down under".
With warmest regards,
Brad Sinclair Barker
Clan Sinclair USA