Greetings to members of the Sinclair
List with interests in Argyll:
Got a prod from Toni that we have been too quiet. Aye Guilty
The genealogical research from list members comes in fits and
starts but is accumulating slowly. The social and family historical context
continues to be a puzzle at it of necessity examines language, family
migrations, and clan sociology in Argyllshire Scotland pre 1700. Keeping in mind
that the Argyll Sinclairs were not of the clans dominant in Argyll 1500-1600 but
consisted of a working class, documentation is scarce and most sources are
secondary and not primary. Of course sources on Rob Roy and Campbell's abound.
Again much of this material is secondary in nature.
The following with your indulgence is repeated
from previous posting;
"I have been attempting to keep
in contact with an number of Sinclairs from Argyll and would also ask for your
help. If you want to stay informed of Argyll specifically and want to send me
directly at
your e-mail address I will add you on to the Argyll Net and keep you updated on
research until it gets posted on the Sinclair site. Please do read Karen
Mathesons posted article on some of the accumulated research thus far. Secondly
you could contribute as well by filing with us the following information
pertaining to Argyll;
1. You full
name and location and contact address.
2. Full name of the LAST ancestor known to be
born in Argyll with their date of birth and location of birth.
(insert farm name/clachan/town/parish if known)
3. Immediate Ancestors (parents)in Argyll if known
and birth date and location
4. Immediate Descendants Full name & location
of birth.
5. Date of Migration away from
6. Vessel used in migration if known and origin of
7. Reason for migration if
known and notes if helpful.
1. You full name and location and contact address.
Neil Sinclair Toronto Canada
2. Full name of the LAST ancestor known to be
born in Argyll with their date of birth and location of birth.
(insert clachan/town/parish if known) John Sinclair born cira
1760 Glendaruel (clachan) Kilmodan Parish.
3. Immediate Ancestors (parents)in Argyll if known
and birth date and location. Pbly believd John & Ann Sinclair -
Glendaruel - Kilmodan Parish - unknown
4. Immediate Descendants Full name & location
of birth. Margaret Sinclair etc born cira 1791 Hamilton PEI et
5. Date of Migration away from Argyll 1770
to PEI
6. Vessel used in migration if known. pbly
Annabelle from Campbelton Kyntyre
7. Economic establishment
at age 6 to possibly obtain eligibility for ownership of
pbly=probably blvd = believed cira = about
This information will be appended to the Argyll
study and made available to illustrate migration patterns of Sinclairs from
Argyll, assist in genealogical searches and of particular interest is
"first arrivals" in any geographical region. We have some material on
Australia, North Carolina, PEI & Ontario.
For genealogical information and posting and
searching please continue to use the Sinclair list. It works and is excellent!
This inquiry is limited to Argyll and Sinclair migration patterns
only from Argyll..
Yours Aye;
Neil Sinclair
Argyll |