Aye Yours Aye - Happy New Year !!!
Yes Dave, this is an important time to
say hello in the firm understanding that the Sinclair list and connections will
continue into the next year, century and beyond. We have over a thousand
years of collective inheritance of a proud heritage!
What an extrodinary gift and opportunity
we have at the end of the century, to share ideas around the globe, to mutually
share our family culture and heritage in a positive way. To learn from one
another. Some 'thank yous' are important and appropriate as the clock turns over
to the next century.
To John Quaterman for maintaining the
list and for his vision and leadership in collection and disemination of
knowledge and education. To those many individuals that have added their web
sites, pictures, information and links to our collective knowledge and like
Karen have published in electronic format. To those like Ken that added (for all
of us) their hobbies such as collecting place names and others who link sites of
I also thank individuals that shared
their passions for us. Laurel on so much history, Darwin on archeology and
science, and of course Rory and Rob for their passion on music that connects us
all. I thank Jean, Wanda on geneology with you many others that show that
relations, families and lives lived and loved still matter.
Then, Niven, & Ian, who bring their
perspectives on values and in preservation of the core of those values of
heritage, cultures and place and then share their beliefs with such integrity.
Then what an event it was to share greetings from the heriditary clan chief on
Thanksgiving. Thank you Malcolm! Those of Great Britian, you all educate,
preserve and pass on all those values which are noble that have gone on before
and must be passed on.
Then to the friendships I have made goes
the biggest 'thank yous'. Toni, Karen, Juli and Rebecca have made a difference
in their world and to mine and that of my children. I thank them from the bottom
of my heart. I seek to enhance the relationships in times to come. Then the
Argyll group with a proud shared heritage, from Don "down under" to
those in our backyards, we salute you all. And last to my relations and lost
immediate cousins that have made themselves known, Jim, Kevin, met us through
this list and joined us. These relationships will continue.
Finally again I thank you John once
again for the development of the enabling technologies. The articulation of
myself is no doubt repeated a hundredfold by many others on this list. The
"gaps and girps" of technolgy we can get around, even thouch 500
messages come in error. Who cares, the issue cleared in a minute while the
sharing is becoming far more important.
To each of our cousins and friends on
the list, I wish you a meaningful New Year and may you all in your own ways
continue to "Commit thy work to God".
Neil Sinclair Peggy
Toronto/PEI/& Forever