Last year William Buehler sent a response to one of my notes when I was looking into psychadellic drugs and the local Rave Scene (which the Police, the Media, and the public finally dove into here this past weekend)...his insights included one linking the relationship between the psychic colours generated in the brain by certain tones of music and the quick trigger of the drug to get there...of course, I can't find it now...
Part of his thesis was that this was real and the drug worked to quickly bring on the semi-psychic experience but that drugs in the end only take you one part of the way and not the full need a clear mind to go all the my mind this may be what pushes users to more and stronger drugs - the eventual spiritual dissatisfaction with the same limited experience...and why some people don't need drugs - they can accomplish on their own...some use the drugs once or twice and learn that there is a mind to be developed and then know how to do it on their own...
Niven, let's get one thing clear - I have nothing but admiration for all that you have are a great deal of what makes this interesting...I like you as a person and admire your passion and deep well of knowlege...I am always honoured when you respond to one of my flights of fancy...
This kind of paragraph is why:
" It is the 'extra' which we put into life which turns
the ordinary into the extraordinary.
True, this can be said about anyone but it is time that we, Sinclairs,
re-kindled a belief
in ourselves - not as supermen but as people who have a unique contribution
to make
to the society in which we live. Position and wealth are not
the determining factors.
The will to work and to win and to give of ourselves are all
that is necessary."
But it can be said about anyone, as you pointed out...I am concerned where Sinclair may be used as the drug for some... I find the opening of the clear mind to be the value of the pursuit of the issues...but then again, I'm not a I can pursue this without my genes kicking in...
The fun comes because Sinclair is an individual and a team sport...
so we don't have to do this alone...
thanks for your insights,
Niven Sinclair wrote:
At 11:23 22/02/00 -0500, you wrote:[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, [ To get off or on the list, see said.
- -----Original Message-----
- From: []On Behalf Of rob
- Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2000 10:47 AM
- To:
- Subject: Re: A Dance called America
- being surrounded by descendants of Scottish and other exports each day...and living in a place where human beings continue to be our #1 export...has led me to some thoughts...
- Like any cultural group, whether defined by geography, blood ties, or community of interest, it would not be productive to categorize the components of any group of humans as being any one thing...there is much to be said for individual responsibility and development...
- As far as my reading has illuminated, people who came to the New World, including Scots, were a mix of common criminals and intellectuals, military leaders, farmers and slaves; women and men, priests of God and rogues, gay and straight, black and white, good bad and indifferent...Church leaders and those building a New World away from them...the rich and the poor...and out of this list and more, who can tell whom is really which centuries ago..
- the story of any great creation is a similar path...history as we read it today is the result of the victor's consolidation of views, for political and intellectual matter what the access-to-information-other-than-standard-views that we now enjoy through the internet, sources are limited and great amounts of study take many long years...understanding is elusive...
- I think we should all beware the pursuit of categorizing one human group as being bigger-faster-stronger than apparently leads to global wars...the pursuit of individual Sinclair Stories is a good is human beings who accomplish - groups who share or control...
- I work each day with people from a dozen different established local cultures, the leaders and the criminals, the sacred and the profane...I work with Maritimers around the world and people from around the world who come to live here...
- as for those who came here so long ago, some are survivors and builders as individuals, some are not...
- no matter what their other categorizations...
- some Sinclairs were great leaders of humankind...
- some are not...
- sometimes I'm right,
- sometimes I'm wrong,
- sometimes what's right for today is wrong three years later...
- rob
Rob,I agree with you entirely because, as human beings, we have a choice for good or for
evil. Nevertheless, "that which is born in the bone can never be driven out of the blood".Our genes make us what we are. The nature/nurture argument has always been with
but I know, at a level far beneath the foundations of reasons and experience, that we
Sinclairs have always had a special role to play in the affairs of our fellow men. Many
have performed this role - others, for fear of failure, have opted out because they haven't
realised (and, therefore, haven't released) the true talents which lie within them.Niven Sinclair