----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2000
8:19 AM
Subject: Re: A Dance called America
I'm finding that there is a more-or-less complete
breakdown in communication and understanding in this country and this war-time
fighting mentality should be a thing of the past...it comes from government,
the media, and us...if people work together they can accomplish far more...
I have experienced several case studies in this during
the past two months...and I appear to be on about it a bit...the media
didn't care what Ashley MacIsaac really was up to on New Year's - they
just wanted a front page screaming headline, then they struggled with the
impact of John Morris Rankin's death, reporting without time to understand...for
readers who can't understand the comix...
The Government of Nova Scotia is out navel-gazing
to see what we should do about our non-existant economy which brought out
the statistic that there is a stunning 40-50% functional illiteracy rate
in this province - thanks obviously to the members of our militant Teachers
Union who take to the streets at the slightest provocation...our food supply
has been paralysed for the past two days by Truckers who are complaining
about fuel prices - something we're all complaining about...but not enough
to force the food supply...
I'm sorry, this is nuts -
and it's because individuals can not read and write and understand...and
fall into truth-traps and triggers...God help us all...no wonder nothing
gets done in Nova Scotia anymore...
But there is always hope...one
thing ya'll should watch is another growing groundswell and discussion
to make Cape Breton a separate Province - giving self-determination in
this time of incredible change and hardship...there's the possibility of
starting over and getting it right - another opportunity for a New Jerusalem...it's
not even much of a stretch: Distinct Culturally and Geographically - always
pushed around and told what to do by Halifax (founded by Edward Cornwallis,
commander of a British regiment at Cullodan...)...or worse, Ottawa...lots
of bright individuals...in five years - it may be so, especially if they
draw on the recent experiences of Scotland...and do the right marketing
- and if the media doesn't screw it up by being so contrary...