John Hinkley Jr. was so in love with American Actress Jody Foster that he shot American President Ronald Reagan to show her just how much...obviously, some Sinclairs would condemn him, some might see his point of view...she is an awfully good actress...I think the Hinck is till cooling his heels in some jail or other...
rob - canada (thank god)...
labehotierre wrote:
I never seen anyone eaten on line but I am willing to give it a go. How[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, [ To get off or on the list, see
does one go about do you have to consume the others persons computer. What
about the peripherals? This wider family of ours has everything.
We stand here at Armageddon ready to do battle for the Lord. The fighting
we do among ourselves only hones our bone, blood and sinew for the real foe
without. No Mea culpa is needed what is needed is some one to tell us "Who
the Hell is John Hinckley" is he a worthy opponent to turn this family
against? Will our banner fly higher having done poor old John Hinckley in or
is he one of us? Constance post more you have a lot to say all the people on
this list have much to contribute to our understanding of a unique place in
this world.
By the way did Dizzydell ever find her grandmother?Sinclair
-----Original Message-----
From: John S. Quarterman <>
To: <>
Date: 25 February 2000 15:09
Subject: Re: Toads and Politics>>It is a swamp out there. Leaving my name off my reply was an oversight.
>>apologize. I rarely contribute to the list and, in my "enthusiasm," I
>>to follow protocol. Mea culpa.
>Even though it is a good idea to mention your real name at the end of
>a message, the mail address of each poster is in the From: line in the
>headers of each message posted to the list. Apparently some mail readers
>don't display that line automatically, but most if not all have an option
>to display it. That line is also displayed in the archives:
>Margaret, maybe we should add some web pages about that, in addition to
>the ones about how to post plain text.
>Speaking of which, I would like to encourage posters to, as someone else
>already said, turn off HTML and use plain text. For how, see:
>And regarding this comment:
>>Some days I get excited waiting for the response
>>that I know will follow certain postings
>>Though I dare not post a reply myself for fear of being eaten.
>Personally, I've never seen anyone get eaten online,
>and I suspect the members of this list would get
>too involved in debating the merits of catsup vs.
>salsa, etc., to remember to actually do so. :-)
>John S. Quarterman <>
>[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list,
>[ To get off or on the list, see[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list,
[ To get off or on the list, see