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Re: Fw: #2 on my research request
At 10:53 26/02/00 +0000, you wrote:
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Spirit One Email <laurel@spiritone.com>
>To: Ian Sinclair-Noss Head <iansinclair@nosshead.freeserve.co.uk>
>Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2000 1:31 AM
>Subject: #2 on my research request
> > Dear Ian,
> > I'm sure you are bombarded with requests for help so why should I be
> > any different. ha
> > My first request was about the proof of the descent from William the
> > to the Caithness Earls to correct another website' errors.
> >
> > My second request is :
> > .
> >
> > Do you have any knowledge of the connection Captain Francis Sinclair
> > b.c. 1790 Edinburgh son of Sir George Sinclair, m. Elizabeth McHutchison
> > Glasgow 26 Apr 1800. Her father was a leading citizen. In 1883, his son
> > Francis Snclair then living in Auckland, NZ knowing that he was next of
> > to George Philipps the 15th Earl of Caithness learned that a search was
> > being made in 1883 before George's death to find an heir. But Francis
> > was childless and preferred NZ did not respond. And thus James
> > a cousin, became the 16th Earl of Caithness. But I cannot see how
> > fits into the Earl's line???
> >
> > We expect to have some articles in the Yours Aye on this family. It
> > just won't be complete until we can add this infomation.
> >
> >
> > Then about a week ago Euan informed us of some history on a website
> > that I think is associated with you? Is that right? I told him about
> > attempt at writing the history of Caithness and had perhaps gotten in over
> > my head and offered him what I had put together. I do not know if he is
> > interested in history and he hasn't responded to my offer.
> >
> > I am going in Thurs. for major surgery and will be in the hospital
> > days. If chemo is needed I won't be coming to Scotland probably. I'm
> > trying to get some of the loose ends around here tied down if I can. So
> > there is any interest in completing and correcting this Caithness history,
> > let me know. It is at www.clansinclairusa.org/ev_sc_caith.htm
> > I have asked one of our commissioners who is an archeologist to look at
> > first section down to the Christian era
> >
> > Laurel
> >
> >Dear Laurel,
The history of Caithness goes back thousands of years i.e. long before the
Norse Earls
became involved and long before the Sinclairs were ever heard of.
There are enough books on Caithness to keep you reading for a hundred
years. The
archaeologists are still 'digging' to discover more about the past of that
amazing county.
Poor Ian is up to his eyes with scrapers and paint brushes as he tried to
get Noss Head
into some sort of shape before the Sinclair Clan descends upon him in July.
At the moment, I can't trace any Francis Sinclair (N.Z.) who may have been
related to
George the 53rd Earl of Caithness (15th not 16th Sinclair Earl) but as, at
the material
time, the Earldom passed from the Mey line to the Durran line (as I
explained in an earlier e-mail in answer to the same query) it is likely
that any 'son' would have been a 'natural' one
rather than a legitimate one otherwise the Earldom would have remained with
the Mey
Branch. Because of the tendency for Sinclairs to remain 'single' and/or
because of their
failure to produce male heirs, the Earldom has passed from branch to branch
and is
currently back with the Mey line of the family although, with the death of
George in 1889,
the barony and Estates of the Mey family became estranged from the dignity.
With every good wish for your 'op'. Let's hope it will prove to be less
serious than you
fear and that chemo-therapy will not be necessary. Fingers crossed.
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