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Re: Films
At 21:44 06/03/00 +1300, you wrote:
Thankyou Niven,
Your offer of the films is to good to miss, and my snail mail address is
Roy Sinclair. 6 Murray St. Kew, Dunedin New
Zealand 9001. Please let me know the cost
If it is any help my Brother who resides
in Broadstone Poole is coming to a party at my place on the 25th March
and it may be convenient to send the films with him, let me
Thanking you for
your co-operation
No cost. Just try to keep in touch with Jenny-Louise Coster
a young New Zealander who is keen on Sinclair
history. We need to keep the young on board if we are
to have a future as a Clan.
Get as many Sinclairs together when you show the film.
They'll feel 10ft tall but,
whilst reaching for the stars, let us all keep our feet on the
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: Films
- From: "dgiff245" <dgiff245@home.com>
- References:
- Films
- From: "Roy Sinclair" <badger.s@xtra.co.nz>