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Forwarded Bio on Frank Blaine St. Clair, WV.
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>Subject: BIO: FRANK BLAINE ST. CLAIR, Monongalia Co. WV
>The History of West Virginia, Old and New
>Published 1923, The American Historical Society, Inc.,
>Chicago and New York, Volume III,
>pg. 376-377
>FRANK BLAINE ST. CLAIR is one of the younger men of
>progress identified with the substantial development of
>Monongalia County. He is a farmer and Hereford cattle
>breeder, living in Union District, seven miles north of
>Morgantown, on the Point Marion Road.
>This farm where he lives today is his birthplace, and
>both he and his mother were bom in the same house, which
>stood almost on the site of his present home. He was born
>January 12, 1880, son of Edgar W. and Elizabeth (John)
>St. Clair. His father was bom in the same district in
>1839, and died in 1901, at the age of sixty-two. The
>pioneer of the family was Jordan St. Clair and his wife,
>Malinda, who lived out their lives on a farm on West Run.
>Jordan St. Clair is survived by two sons, Millard and
>Leroy, and a daughter, Carrie, widow of Edgar Donley.
>Edgar W. St. Clair was married at the John homestead.
>Elizabeth John was a daughter of William John. and in-
>herited a third of his estate and has lived practically all
>her life on the farm. For a number of years Edgar St.
>Clair operated a store at Easton and later at Stewartstown,
>and then took the management of the John homestead.
>He did general farming here and he also had an extensive
>business as a timber buyer. He bought a number of tracts
>of standing timber, gave employment to a large force of
>men in the logging season, operated a saw mill and also
>rafted great quantities of lumber and timber down the
>Cheat and Monongahela rivers to Pittsburgh. He owned
>the old St. Clair place of 100 acres four miles from his
>own home. He was a director of the Second National
>Bank of Morgantown. Edgar St. Clair was not only an
>efficient business man but had unusual abilities in a pub-
>lic way, being able to make effective public speeches and
>was a party worker in the Republican ranks. He served
>four terms in the State Legislature during the '90s. He
>and his wife were members of the Forks of Cheat Baptist
>Church, the oldest church of that denomination in the
>state. He was survived nine years by his widow, who
>passed away in 1910, at the age of sixty-eight. Their
>two children are Myrtle and Frank Blame. The former is
>Mrs. Charles Hunter, and she owns a part of the old St.
>Clair homestead.
>Frank Blaine St. Clair finished his education with two
>years in West Virginia University, and then took charge
>of the homestead. On October 24, 1898, he married Mabel
>J. Echart, daughter of William and Belle (Moore) Echart.
>Her father was born in Monongalia County, but as a young
>man removed to Kansas, where he married and where for
>some years he followed the trade of stone mason at Topeka.
>He then returned to West Virginia, and is still active In
>his trade at Morgantown. Mabel Echart was born in Kan-
>sas and was nine years of age when brought to West Vir-
>ginia. Mr. and Mrs. St. Clair have three children: Dale
>Mortimer, Edgar William, a senior in the Morgantown High
>School, and Helen Elizabeth, all at home. Mr. and Mrs.
>St. Clair are members of the Eden Methodist Protestant
>Church. They live in a very attractive country home, hav-
>ing built their residence four years ago. Mr. St. Clair
>has continued in a measure in the lumber business in which
>his father was engaged, and operates a portable saw mill.
>For several years he has been a successful breeder of
>Hereford cattle.
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