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Kansas City St. Clairs-1889
I am hoping someone may have an interest in St. Clairs in Kansas City in
1889. Harry L. St Clair, the printer as listed here, is "ours." The others
we don't know, but would like to know more about. In the meantime, the
database used here is in the free access section of Ancestry.com. I copied
the data out, in case others may see something, and so that the information
can be incorporated into our database effort.
site address: http://www.ancestry.com/search/rectype/inddbs/4478.htm
copied data:
Search Terms: CLAIR (46), ST (2423)
Database: Kansas City, Missouri City Directories, 1889-1891
Combined Matches: 39
Name Business Name Occupation Location 1 Location 2 City State
Buckner St. Clair laborer r 1313 Pacific MO
Alexander Fraser St. Clair Loan & Trust Co. vice president 413 Journal
building b Coates House MO
Dalton S. Patterson St. Clair Loan and Trust Co. secretary and treasurer
413 Journal building r 703 Olive MO
St. Clair Pinkston Bloss, Darling & Co. stenographer r Locust
northwest corner Longmeadow MO
Andrew St. Clair painter r 1105 e 10th MO
Arthur L. St. Clair contractor r 516 Gillis MO
Charles H. St. Clair fireman r 580 Forest MO
Edward J. St. Clair clerk rooms 714 Washing on MO
George W. St. Clair plasterer r 705 w 13th MO
Harry L. St. Clair Journal printer r 1431 e 9th MO
Henry A. St. Clair porter r 1226 Highland MO
Jacob M. St. Clair carpenter r 2039 Belleview MO
M. W. St. Clair; Alexander Fraser; D. S. Patterson St. Clair Loan and Trust
Co. president; vice-president; secretary and treasurer 413 Journal building
Madison W. St. Clair St. Clair Loan & Trust Co. president 413 Journal
building r 420 w 11th MO
May St. Clair Reaham, Moffatt & Co. clerk r Locust near 8th
J. R. Marsh St. Clair Stone Co. The general manager Harrison sv corner 20th
St. Clair Street physician 1204 Broadway MO
Alexander Fraser St. Clair Loan and Trust Co. v-president 701 New York
Life Insurance building b Coates House MO
C. F. Morse; M. W. St. Clair Kansas City Stock Yards Bank president;
cash Kansas City Stock Yards Exchange MO
Jehu R. Marsh St. Clair Stone Co. general manager 20th southwest corner
Harrison r Washington Addition MO
Dalton S. Patterson St. Clair Loan & Trust Co. secretary and treasurer 701
New York Life Insurance building r 2924 Prospect avenue MO
Pinkston St. Clair MO
Andrew St. Clair painter r 604 Independence avenue MO
Arthur St. Clair contractor r 516 Gillis MO
Buckner St. Clair laborer r 1313 Pacific MO
Caleb H. St. Clair machinist r 818 e 18th MO
Charles St. Clair driver r 600 e 14th MO
Charles St. Clair Baker Bros groom MO
Frank St. Clair Stumpff & St. Ciair 625 e 31st b 427 e 31st MO
Henry St. Clair porter r 1226 Highland
Jacob M. St. Clair carpenter r 2114 Belleview MO
James St. Clair Phelps & Bigelow Wind Mill Co. collector rooms 1215 w
9th MO
M. W. St. Clair; A. Fraser; D. S. Patterson St. Clair Loan & Trust Co.
president; v-president; secretary and treasurer 701 New York Life Insurance
building MO
Madison W. St. Clair Kansas City Stock Yards Bank cashier b The
Montague MO
J. R. Marsh St. Clair Stone Co. general manager 20th southwest corner
Harrison MO
Walter St. Clair Blne Grass Dairy Co driver MO
St. Clair Streett physician rooms 1204 Broadway MO
John T. Stumpff Stumpff & St. Clair r 3117 Cherry MO
J. T. Stumpff; Frank St. Clair Stumpff & St. Clair barbers 625 e 31st
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