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Fw: Bedford County, Virginia Death Records
A forwarded message. Please erspond to both the person below and the list.
Amber (St. Clair) Dalakas
-----Original Message-----
From: dddmp@earthlink.net <dddmp@earthlink.net>
To: STCLAIR-L@rootsweb.com <STCLAIR-L@rootsweb.com>
Date: Wednesday, April 26, 2000 6:27 PM
Subject: Bedford County, Virginia Death Records
>Hello List.
> I hope that this information will be of help to someone. In looking for
>my ST. CLAIR line I copy All St.CLAIR I can find. The sources of this
>information below was taken from Bedford County, Virginia Death Records
>1853-1860 and 1868-1880 by Marvin U. Neighbors.
>Good Luck
>Palmer ST.Clair
>February 1853
>Sore Throat Age 1 year 11 months
>Parent Jno.P and Catharine ST.CLAIR
>Not name ST.CLAIR
>Oct 24 1853
>Cause death was not given age 00
>Parents: Burwell C. and Mary F. St. CLAIR
>Martha J. ST.CLAIR
>Oct 6 1854
>Scarlet Fever age 3 year 11 months and 10 days
>Parents: Robert and Rhoda ST.CLAIR
>March 16 1859
>Typhoid Fever age 23 years
>Parents; Robert and Rhoda ST.CLAIR
>May 7 1859
>Whooping cough Age 8 months
>Parent; Buford W.K. and V. ST.CLAIR
>Margaret St. CLAIR
>jan. 19 1872
>Consumption Age 38 years
>Parents L George and Judy LILES
>Consort: George ST.CLAIR
>died at Peak of Otter
>Information furnished by Mrs. Falls--sister ( Mrs. Falls first name may
>have been Mary)
>Australia P. ST.CLAIR
>March 1876
>Brain Fever age 4 years
>Parent: John T. and Martha F. ST.CLAIR
>Ollie J. ST. CLAIR
>September 7 1876
>Diptheria age 5 years
>Parents: Austin G. and Fannie M ST.CLAIR
>Sarah Susan ST.CLAIR
>Sept. 1876
>Disease of Womb age 51 years
>Parents: Steven and Susan SMELSOR
>Consort: Henry F. ST.CLAIR
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