John & Margaret;
It is so nice to know that Australia's Sinclair blood
kin will be represented in the Sinclair 2000 gathering proudly carrying the
banner of that fine country "down under". The importance of the Scottish
contribution to the country of Australia is significant.
It is to be valued that individuals that care enough
to make the considerable investment to travel back to their roots as members of
a worldwide family. Every contribution big or small is to be valued and that
individuals that would come so far is a testimony to a proud heritage. May you
have a moment or two to see Argyll John and take a snap shot for us! Lifting a
Dram to all those fine Sinclairs each and every one of you down under the
southern stars.
Neil Sinclair
Toronto, PEI, Argyll
Whose children are proudly descendants from Australian
roots from Sydney/Montreal of 300 years ago when some Australians helped to
colonize Canada.