Dear Niven and list cousins;
Indeed human migratory patterns are at best confusing
and at worst they are problematic to be sure. When one studies any pattern
of settlement, one comes across known roots, then sees exceptions and then sees
further more recent roots that become intermeshed. The great minds that drew the
anology of family patterns being akin to tree roots had a lot of insight.
But let me highlight some observations that can be
derived from your historical research. The Sinclairs from Caithness and
elsewhere did migrate across Scotland to where economic conditions allowed. But
in your story there was another important illustration of how developed
education was in the early 1700's and even before. The traditional image of the
Scottish highlands being filled with uneducated heillamen (sp?) is not accurate.
Many were educated in two of the formost Universities with reputations
across Europe which were located in Glasgow and
Edinborough. The 1700-1800 period was an intellectual explosion in
Scotland and education a way to advance if it was
And where one individual goes, others follow and mix
with the 'native' population even with some perhaps having the same last
name. Then we have coming into Argyll between 1700-1800 literally hundreds
or more of individuals, most with last names from elsewhere in Scotland and
England not previously identified in Argyllshire. This occured all
thoughout 1700-1800 to replace the many others native to Argyll, leaving for
America, Australia and the like.
By the end of the 1700's there were many descendants
of McNokairds/Sinclairs and descendants of the more recent interlopers under the
name "Sinclair" from the cities and likely Caithness and Modlothian and perhaps
those other 60 odd locations of Sinclair origin in the UK. It is near
impossible to trace behind the early parish records. And in a similar fashion
other names became noticeable in the parish registers in Argyll that were not of
long standing heritage in the geography. But this is not surprising. One of the
clues in the surprise when searching genealogical roots to see the unusual
Christian name start coming into the family patters.
Stir the heriditary soup a bit and many Campbells
intermarried with Sinclairs and naturally others and Sinclair then merged with
all the families with clan names identified with the local geography and
Finally there is another irony which really
illustrates how people and individuals connect over geography. As the list is
aware native families from Argyll populated two destinations; the Maritimes in
what was then the colonies in Canada, and Cape Fear, North Carolina. There are
clear patterns of Sinclair settlement that follow both these paths. I strongly
believe that some members from the same Sinclair families divided themselves
between these two locations. Beief and unquestionable evidence is two separate
Now patterns of human connection start forming. By
1700 the individuals in Caithness were aware of Sinclairs in Argyll, and those
in Argyll aware of those in Caithness and Midlothian. Similarly Sinclairs in the
Maritimes, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and New Bruswick were aware of the
Sinclairs in North Carolina. This is not illogical, and has some
circumstantial evidence behind it. As late as the end of the 1800's my ancestors
were aware of some connection with both shipping destinations. Taking your
history to heart, it seems that at least one Sinclair connected south
during his lifetime. Others from North Carolina also came to Ontario. There
but for the Grace of God go I, is apt when one sees how their ancestor Sinclairs
made choices for various destinations during different historical periods and
voila we are born in the strangest of locations as are our
Have fun;
Neil Sinclair
Toronto, PEI & Forever
and might have as easily been;
Washington DC/North Carolina/ and forever
PS on my tree branch a have a few Presbyterian
Preachers including the head of the Maritime Presbytery way back when, then a
few with the Indians, and then oh yes Germany!
C.C. Karen an expert on North Carolina Genealogical
patters, Rebecca out historian on Cape Fear, Toni our expert in the Islands and
Juli our expert on graves and Sinclairs histories in Argyll.
Thoughts and ideas, and insights welcome of