----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2000 7:53 PM
Subject: Salt w'at did it
The Mediterranean carried the majority of the trade of southern Europe, the
North and Baltic Seas were the focus of northern trade in the early middle
ages. The numerous river systems flowing into these seas and no meaningful
road network in the North meant that sea transport was vital to any long
distance commerce. Scandinavians controlled much of region's trade for many
centuries from the rivers of Russia to the North Atlantic with their swift
longboats. Frisian traders had a prominent role south of the English Channel
handling the goods of Christian Europe.
Bringing many important items from the continent, the merchants of Bremen
and Cologne gained a strong position in England. In 1157 Henry II granted the
citizens of Cologne special trading protections and privileges. Urban,
professional traders from the towns of northern Germany began to effectively
compete against the more rural Frisians and Scandinavians, by this time, even
taking their goods to Norway and Denmark. When The Kaiser Fiedrich Barbarossa
granted customs and commercial rights to Hamburg he gave the League a ready
supply of Salt. The salt supply enabled the League to take from Denmark and
Sweden the fish trade (Salt was needed to preserve fish) the growing
prosperity let the League slowly control the fur trade the single most
profitable of the North Sea trading activities.
There was no payment recorded. Tax revenues increased dramaticly
The Holy Roman Empire neither Holy nor Roman or an Empire. Again this
collection of would be dominators stood at the edges St Clair. First in
Normandy then, in France, in Sweden in England and in the most ancient kingdom
of Christendom, Scotland. Kaiser Fiedrich Barbarossa appetite was voracious he
sought to engulf all Europe in his revised Empire
The Holy Roman Empire was the medieval state that embraced most of central
Europe and Italy under the rule of the German kings from 962 to 1806. It was
considered to be a restoration and continuation of the ancient Roman Empire,
although in fact it had little in common with its predecessor. Earlier, the
Frankish king Charlemagne had revived the same name. His Roman Empire lasted
from 800 to 925. In 962, Otto I of Germany and Pope John XII co-operated in a
second revival. Threatened in his possession of the Papal States by Berengar
II, king of Italy, John begged Otto to come to his aid. Otto did so, and the
pope solemnly crowned him Emperor of the Romans as a reward. From this time,
the German kings claimed the right to rule the empire.