Dear Rory Old Friend
There are five points on which I wish to
1. In perusing your writings to the
page, I would say your views were well right of center.
2. How quickly one
forgets, when it is convenient, that it was nice "titled gentlemen" with, then
police and soldiers, under the guise of hereditary ownership, stole our
ancestor's land, killed our people when they resisted. Even burning some
some of our elderly people in their homes to make way for pasturing
3. This word NASCENT,
it wasn't in my 4" dictionary so I had to go to my daughter's 5" one. You
have to remember that some of us are old country boys, with a great deal more
hands-on practical experience rather than literary
4. I agree with you,
offering large amounts of money would not work. Those who have had their
share of the world's wealth all their lives, plus hundreds of thousands of other
people's shares, would not likely be moved by a little more money, even with the
greed factor ruled out.
5. Margaret Thatcher reinstated a fair amount
of this "Titled" criminal nonsense, with hard earned tax payer's dollars as
pensions in many cases. Her right-wing mind set explains it well.
Some years back the UK worker's were complaining about a terrible housing
shortage, with the Thatcher government doing nothing to remedy this
problem. Margaret got up on her soap-box and viciously attached the
workers for complaining and whining about not having a home. When at that
very moment, she had nine homes.
My views on your views.
Donald H. Sinclair