Hi again John:
Boy! Am I suddenly inspired or what! Haven't said much of anything for months and look-out kids! here he comes again! Let me know if this is getting tiresome and I shall cease. Maybe I will anyway. Yes, quite true that Malcolm was a minister in the Government of "The Iron Lady". Malcolm has shared with me some of the hair-raising episodes of attempting to get legislation through Parliament, something at which he was quite successful. Malcolm is quite aware of my antipathy to Margaret Thatcher's political ideology and I am aware of his great respect for Lady Thatcher as a Leader and one of the dynamic personalities of the latter half of the the Century just passed. Neither of us is prepared to let that dictate the rest of our lives and to whom we should allow ourselves to speak. Indeed, the Thatcher portion of our lives is tiny when compared to the rest of what we want to accomplish, especially with respect to Clan Sinclair. And he's good companyto boot! The fact that we can do this is called being flexible as opposed carrying an agenda around with us like some huge mallet with which to pound perfectly fine people to death simply because they don't match the profile on our clip-board questionnaire. Worse, we'll miss some laughs and some insight ---Donald H. take note! Aye, Rory |