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Re: Jesus Christ's descendents
Here are some other books which approach the same subject about Jesus
Christ's descendents.
THE CULT OF THE BLACK VIRGIN by Ean Begg. Published by ARKANA Penguin Books.
THE WOMAN WITH THE ALABASTER JAR by Margaret Starbird. Published by Bear &
Company ISBN 1-879181-03-7
On the subject on Christian Origins I recommend.
CHRISTIAN BEGINNINGS by Morton Scot Enslin. Published by Harper Torchbooks
the Cloister Library Harper & Row, New York
THE MYTH OF CHRISTIAN BEGINNINGS by Robert L. Wilken. Published by Anchor
Books, Doubleday & Company
Having just recieved a print (10.5 inches X 15.5 inches) from an ebay.com
PHILADELPHIA. From HARPER'S WEEKLY dated June 24, 1876. I was surprised to
read on the back side on page 511 the following brief articule:
"The English papers speak in extravagant terms of the speech made by Emilio
Castelar in the Lower House of the Spanish Cortes on the adoption of
Article XI of the new constitution. For two hours and a half the great
audience were spell-bound by the eloquence of this consummate orator. His
exposure of the Roman Catholic fear of Protestantism was very telling.
'Are you afraid,' he asked, 'of a rival? Sirs, you do honor Protestantism
if you think it is so true as to be able in a fair race to outrun Roman
Catholicism. But if it be not true, this religion of the state-if it be
not true, brother Deputies, what then? MAGNA EST VERITAS, ET PREVALEBIT.
If the Roman Catholic creed be true, it will prevail by force of truth; if
Protestantism be true, it will prevail, and you can not crush it. "IF
"This is the whole case of religious freedom in a nut-shell. It would be
difficult to put it more neatly."
[end of quote & articule.]
I just thought it was logical to share this with you to those who are
interested in such ideas.
Gerald Gibbons
On 13-May-00, you wrote:
> Forwarded from Rootsweb
> Ken/SK/Canada
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Charles Sullivan" <csullivan@triad.rr.com>
> To: <GENMSC-L@rootsweb.com>
> Sent: Friday, May 12, 2000 2:07 PM
> Subject: Re: Jesus Christ's descendents
>> You'll just have to bore youself even more with the followup book
>> "The Messianic Legacy" by Michael Baigent et al.
>> Denis Petterson <dpetterson@dtn.ntl.com> wrote in message
>> news:391C366C.287B375F@dtn.ntl.com...
>>> Hi NG,
>>> About a year ago I put out a request for help on the above subject
>>> after
>>> reading somewhere that a descendent called Saint-Clair lived in
>>> Scotland. I had some replies and they all referred to the book "The
>>> Holy Blood and the Holy Grail". I found that reading it was very
>>> boring
>>> and it only became interesting at part 3 of 3.
>>> Even then, the family trees of Saint-Clair et al, just petered out at
>>> the year 1307 with the comment that the line continues to the present
>>> day (1996).
>>> If anyone can help me trace the genealogy in more detail, recommend
>>> another book etc., I would be very obliged. All I want to do is
>>> satisfy
>>> myself with the truth of the subject.
>>> Many thanks, Denis Petterson
>> ______________________________
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May I suggest reading the recently published 'Rex Deus - the True mystery of
Rennes-le-Chateau' It is entirely devoted to the descent Denis Peterson is
investigationg. It has been published in the UK, & Australia by Element
Books ltd and is imminent in the USA published by Element Books Inc of
Best wishes
[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@mids.org
[ To get off or on the list, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html
[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@mids.org
[ To get off or on the list, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html