Interesting to
hear of the MacCrimmon's Norse ancestry. My records make no mention of this. Do
you know where the Norse connection fitted in?
A MacLeod from Skye visited the MacCremmons (was then spelt
this way) in Ulster, Ireland, to hear them play. He then induced John (Iain) and
his son Donald, to move to Skye to found a College of Piping. Each was,in turn,
the personal piper to MacLeod of Dunvegan. Like many others at the time of the
Clearances, the MacCrimmons suffered, as they refused to pay rent for the land
where they had lived rent free.
Rory, I'm surprised to hear of the lack of evidence regarding
Petrus Bruno (MacCrimmon) at Cremona, as my sources do not infer any doubt on
this. The uncle of Petrus, Giordano Bruno, was burnt at the stake by the
Inquisition for heresy, for supporting the discovery by Copernicus that the Sun
and not the Earth, was the centre of the solar system. So the name should be
well documented.
Have you any further suggestions on tunes we'll play on
the Tour, or shall we stick to the ones we've previously discussed?