Dear John;
I may have missed something, but that aside, let me articulate the
sentiment that "evil that men do are often forgotten while the good remains
interred in their bones...." which is a variation on what gave rise to the
passion of the masses in that well read play.
So your sentiment suggests a response is fitting and in order
and this is an excellent opportunity to do so. I take this moment and special
opportunity to do so in appreciation of your invitation. Many of my comments are
attributable to the internet as well, as a new social organisim that unites us
as individuals and as a social group; one of many.
We collectively and individually have been given an opportunity to
access a new medium, we call the internet, and hence the world beyond our local
portals. This opportunity is profound, more profound than many or us appreciate,
and we are yet on the threshold of what we want to make of the new world.
We collectively and individually have, with this great potential,
an opportinity as well as a responsibility; as we did with the advent of every
new stage of communication.
We may communicate with our best mind and hearts, or communicate
with pettiness and selfishness and focus on only the internal self, and not the
external values of knowledge, betterment and sharing in love and companionship.
Like the hard fought aspects of free speach everywhere, we can trangress when we
cross the lines on civilility, hate and intollerance. Free speach (however
construed) has limits in a free society, so acting in a liberal tradition.
We can all strive to communicate excellence in thought, word and deed.
Now I am a bit of a sticker on manners, the articulation of the
golden rule and similar thoughts. which are mankinds best efforts in dealing
with one another. It is what we learn in kindergarten and hopefully at our
fathers knee.
In the two years I have participated on this list, I have seen
maybe three "threads" which I thought were questionable offensive and in poor
taste. On each occasion, I started responding off line to the one I
thought questionable and never on line, explaining my concern and
sharing what I thought had been transgressed.
In the first, circumstance, I made a couple of better friends after
the full round table. They understood the point I made and feeligs were
eventually mended. The person transgressing had not ment to and wrote in
undue haste. In the second case, I suspected a hidden agenda well off the
purposes of the list, and the transgressed rose above it all. I was public on my
values and what I felt that the values had been crossed in the way of going very
personal and the limits of decency offended me. Simply I then spoke up
publicly, after starting privately. The third instance was someone who was
perhaps "poor in language and blunt of speech" so that sort of took care of
itself. Ignorance and inablity to write, wears a clear mask on the Internet.
So save with those incidents I never responded thoughtlessly or
publically off the top of my head, and all three matters resolved with in a
reasonable time period. All that said, let me respond to the manners and
politeness we would have, if any of us were in a certain living room in Austin
Texas. We would be accepted with open hearts and open minds and warmth of
friendship. And that is reciprocated in emotions I am sure from all the
locations you are aware of around the world.
So our friend John, I lift up my glass and if
necessary, my sword for you with the following public
May we Commit our work(s), our words and efforts to God" and may
God in turn care for those given this fantastic opportunity to share on this
list. May our hearts be guided in a positive fashion, and the sharing be
John, on a personal note I thank you, in particular for the
friendship, for the connectivity allowing others to share their hearts, their
knowledge, and their human connections on this venue, and in your so doing I
thank you for making a difference, which you have done, are doing and we pray
shall continue to do so.
Yours aye;
(whith a salute to a few Texas roots in another direction)
----- Original Message -----
From: "John S. Quarterman" <>
To: <>
Sent: 19 June, 2000 1:33 PM
Subject: purpose of this list > > It is sad that I have to say this, but it seems that I must remind > all of you about the purpose of this list. > > The Sinclair Family Discussion List,, is for > discussions of history, genealogy, family matters, or anything else that is related to Sinclair family. > > However, it is *not* for ad hominem attacks, pursuing vendettas, or sending hate mail to other list members; not even off the list. > > Now I am merely the guy who maintains the mailing list. So you may be wondering what do I have to say about anything anyone sends off the list. Well, in my mind, it's like this. You're all chatting in my living room. If one of you then goes outside and is followed by another who makes threats, I don't like that. That's not what I am running this list for. My tolerance is very high, but it does not extend that far. > > Therefore, I am faced with two possibilities if this occurs. > > 1) I can stop running the list. This means either someone else takes it over (quite possible), or it simply stops (also possible). > 2) I can remove from the list anyone for whom I have evidence of threats against anyone else on this list. I will not act on hearsay. But if anyone provides to me a message demonstrating a threat or ad hominem attack by one list member against another, I will remove the threatener from the list immediately. > > Now it may be that (2) is not acceptable to the list members, or to the various clan organizations, or to the Chief. If so, speak now. I would be just as happy to take option (1) in that case. > This list is, from my point of view, my personal hobby. I maintain it because I and others find personal enjoyment in it. I am not willing to spend my personal time on it if it is to become a vehicle for threats or attacks against its members. > > This is a sad day when I have to say these things. But that day has come. Thanks, > John |