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Re: Friction
Dear Bruce:
Touche mon ami.
Not of course meant to be a complete quote of the Man from Galilee but only
a indication that there was a pedigree for giving folk a second chance. I
guess we become human when we decide that two cracks at it are enough in
this context. Sorry if paraphrases are not on for you -- it was the thought
that mattered not the litteralness of the quote, at least for me.
-----Original Message-----
From: bruce dean <brucestclairdean@yahoo.com>
To: sinclair@matrix.net <sinclair@matrix.net>
Date: Wednesday, June 21, 2000 8:42 AM
Subject: Re: Friction
>Regarding the misquote from Jesus, "Go and sin no
>more, and if you do, you're out of here." I can't
>quite imagine our Lord saying that. Bruce on L. I.
>--- "John S. Quarterman" <jsq@matrix.net> wrote:
>> Rory,
>> >That you have accomplished so much for all of us is
>> not in doubt.
>> I merely attempt to emulate your lead.
>> >That someone feels upset enough with another member
>> of the list to send
>> >(anonymous? or untraceable?) messages is not a
>> happy outcome.
>> >My first instinct is to find out the details but I
>> realize that may not be
>> >possible so I will revert to the workings of my
>> poor brain.
>> My first instinct is to steer clear of the problem.
>> However, it appears
>> that I cannot do so.
>> >I suspect that whoever is sending "hidden threats"
>> feels slighted by the
>> >'victim' in the present matter and has, foolishly,
>> up the ante.
>> Unfortunately, it appears to be more than a single
>> person.
>> >I quite agree with your image of people meeting in
>> your living room and then
>> >going outside to fight only to expect to return and
>> carry on normally in
>> >spite of this undercurrent of ill will is not a
>> Good Thing.
>> >But a summary execution (excommunication actually)
>> without a warning is not
>> >my nature although I will bow to the majority vote
>> here if they vote
>> >otherwise.
>> I have had various offlist communications with
>> various parties,
>> although I don't know whether any of them are the
>> offenders.
>> >My inclination is to say that, because I do not
>> know what provoked the
>> >original 'threat' and that therefore there may be
>> an earlier agenda that
>> >none of us is particularly aware of, that both
>> involved may to a certain
>> >extent be "at fault" and that warnings in front of
>> sanctions are always
>> >best that therefore, that I therefore would adopt
>> Iain Lairds solution of
>> >yellow-carding the offenders saying:
>> >" you have been found out and found lacking --- go
>> and sin no more and if
>> >you do, yer outta here!"
>> I think that's what I just did with my previous
>> message.
>> >Ultimately John, it is your undertaking that has
>> made this such an exciting
>> >enterprise to which to belong. I would not like to
>> see this fact conflated
>> >with bad behaviour of others. Your comfort level
>> is critical - thank you
>> >for asking us --- but it is your decision.
>> Thanks.
>> More on this in a few days, after reviewing the
>> various comments
>> and talking to some people.
>> >Yours Aye,
>> >The rambling fool
>> >Rory in Toronto.
>> John
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