From: Lena A: Subject: Re: Leif Ericsson and
Lena noted: "Did you by the way know that runes (the viking alphabet) was used as late as in the 19th century... in North America!" There's an interesting little book just published:
THE ANCIENT MINES OF KITCHI-GUMMI by Roger Jewell. Published by Jewell
Histories, Fairfield, PA; about $12. (Ph 717 642 8342 if interested in ordering
one.) Roger has gone to some effort in correlating Cypriot/Minoan glyphs in the
Lake Superior area re copper mining about 2400-1200 BCE. The book looks at
people of the time, ships, motives as well as the language of American natives
and similarities with the ancient Med. cultures. Roger doesn't have any degrees
past the usual college education but he was a professional forester in the US
National Forest Service, saw much of what he's writing about. He doesn't mind at
all if he defies the usual academic position about ancient European incursions
into middle America.
Bill Buehler