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Re: Jokes-Personal reply off list on list or..where-ever...
Rite onnnn! Cousin Jean. I agreeeeeee. Bruce St.
Clair Dean. Lettuce liten uuup a bit.(age 78 &
--- Jean Stokes <sinead@milamba.com> wrote:
> It seems to me that the Sinclair list is getting a
> little heavy handed of
> late. We have taken offence at "business codes", now
> a piece of very
> puerile schoolboy humour.
> Are we such a "dour clan" that we cannot tolerate
> mistakes?
> If this be true, tyhen maybe we needto be more
> tolerant of oth0wers2000
> fol.lies.
> ..............as gran.d1daughter has just shown me
> not bad for 9 months .
> Cousin Gord please don't let the guardians of our
> "precision " drive you
> away. We do need accidentals occasionally.
> Jean Sinclair Stokes.
> At 10:12 PM 8/07/00 -0700, you wrote:
> >Ahhhhh..."Methinks the Gary doth protest Too
> much..."
> >
> >Your rapier wit was much needed, though, Sir
> Gary...for not only did a
> >dolt like me offend some young innocent using your
> name in jest, but you
> >had corrected the situation in less than a
> twinkling after the
> >unfortunate though precocious lad was caught in my
> unforgiving sights.
> >(under 15 minutes..no mean feat...and fortuitous!)
> > There is something deeper here, though Sir. You
> seem to have great
> >knowledge of me and my ruthless habits of attack
> attack and..heck..even
> >More attack. Mrs. Holmes may have raised craven
> bullies, but none who
> >knew of retreat nor manners! You have, for all to
> see , indicated most
> >strongly: three points. One, although I have no
> Idea who you are..you
> >well know me! Judgment flys from your fingers to
> your keyboard. Well
> >Met!
> >Two...I have not confined my evil and spiteful ways
> to our personal
> >dealings, Godfry Daniel,No! I am at the Fore front
> of judgmental
> >behavior towards all, and to incur my wrath is a
> terrible thing. (and
> >gosh darned easy to do If bodkin that I am, I
> understand your
> >smokescreen reaoning!) Me, why I point out All the
> flaws in others..not
> >a mere trifling 99 %,mind you...but the whole ball
> of wax, this
> >time-everytime! Nato should be so lucky to have my
> kill rating.
> >But...Meanwhile back here on earth...I don't wanna
> play anymore. I am
> >leaving the page/board. It is not a matter of
> taking my ball and going
> >home..I leave in your capable hands, "the ball".
> From this day forth let
> >the trumpets cry out that once again this page is
> free to actually
> >discuss things of import and that you are on the
> Vanguard, with your
> >wealth of knowledge. Folks will not suffer at your
> hands...they will
> >just enjoy your wisdom and the freedom to exchange
> ideas with you with
> >no fear of sneers or rebuffs. You, Gary have the
> knowledge of the
> >historian, the heart of the poet and the style of
> the mentor.
> >To those of you who know me..you can always find
> me. I am going to
> >continue to study Sinclair history and Whatever
> else passes through this
> >zany brain of mine. John..I will give you my
> deepest thanks and my
> >heartfelt farewells later, God Bless You!
> >And, given the interpretations of what is funny
> here these days, if I
> >develop a sense of humor..I'll keep it to myself...
> > Final
> Regards...Cousin Gord
> >
> >
> >"Gary M. Sinclair, Harwich, Ma. USA" wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi Gordon,
> >>
> >> Thank you for your reply. I expected three
> people to jump right on the
> >> mistake and I am glad you did not disappoint me.
> >>
> >> As you have proven in the past, your quick
> response to the mistakes of
> >> others keeps you in the forefront of the list.
> That you needed two
> >> responses was unbelievable even to me. Thank you
> for your considerate
> >> remarks. The 13 year old who sent the joke
> thanks you also. If you would
> >> like to be part of the joke list feel free to ask
> as it is obvious you need
> >> to lighten up a little.
> >>
> >> As always, your help and worthwhile contributions
> are appreciated. It is
> >> nice to have someone who can point out all the
> flaws of others.
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >>
> >> Gary M. Sinclair
> >
> >--
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> >http://www.gohip.com/freevideo/
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