John Camden Hotten, ed., The Original Lists of Persons of Quality: Emigrants; Religious Exiles; Political Rebels; Serving Men Sold for a Term of Years; Apprentices; Children Stolen; Maidens Pressed; and Others Who Went From Great Britain to the American Plantations 1600-1700 (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1983).
Barbadoes - Alphabetical List of Landowners in St. Michael’s
p. 458 – Allex: Sinklaire, 10 acres of land, 1 hired servant, 7 negroes
David Dobson, The Original Scots Colonists of Early America 1612-1783 (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1989).
6149. Sinclair, Alexander, res. Glasgow, sh. 19 Oct 1698, fr. Liverpool
to Virginia in Loyalty. (LRO.HQ325.2.FRE)
6150. Sinclair, Alexander, b. 1738, farmer, res. Dollochlagy Reay Caithness,
sh. April 1774 to Wilmington, NC in Bachelor of Leith (PRO.T47.12)
6151. Sinclair, Ann, b. 1710, spinner, res. Glen Orchy Argyll, sh.
Sept 1775 to Wilmington, NC in Jupiter, ch. Margaret. (PRO.T47.12)
6152. Sinclair, Archibald, sh. 1737, sett. Frederica Ga. (SPC.1737.256)
6153. Sinclair, Archibald, res. Stempster Thurso Caithness, d. 1778
Jamaica. (SRO.SH.9.12.1778)
6154. Sinclair, Archibald, merchant, res. Greenock Renfrewshire, sh.
Pre 1781, sett. Kingston Jamaica (SRO.RD2.235.39\RD2.236.651)
6155. Sinclair, David, mariner, parent George Sinclair of Barrack,
d. pre 1733 Jamaica, Edin pr1733 CC8.8.95.
6156. Sinclair, Duncan, Covenanter, transported Aug 1685, fr. Leith
to Jamaica. (PC.11.136)
6157. Sinclair, Duncan, b. 1750, farmer, res. Glen Orchy Argyll, sh.
Aug 1774 fr. Greenock to Wilmington, NC in Ulysses, m. Isobel McIntyre.
6158. Sinclair, Duncan, b. 1765, servant, res. Inverness, sh. July
1775, fr. Stornaway to Philadelphia, in Clementina. (PRO.T47.12)
6159. Sinclair, James, seaman, res. Scourie Sutherland, sh. 16 March
1683, sett. Hudson Bay. (HBRS.9.86)
6160. Sinclair, James, Jacobite, transported 28 July 1716, fr. Liverpool
to Virginia, in Godspeed, arr. Maryland Oct 1716. (SPC.1716.310)(CTB31.209)(HM388)(MdArch34.164)
6161. Sinclair, James, sh. May 1725, fr. London to Antigua or Montserrat.
6162. Sinclair, James, b. 1728, husbandman, Jacobite, res. Dunbeath
Caithness, transported 31 Mar 1747, fr. London to Jamaica, in St. George
or Carteret, arr. Jamaica 1747. (P.3.315)(PRO.CO.137.58)(MR87)
6163. Sinclair, James, b. 1753, farmer, res. Forsenain Reay Caithness,
sh. Apr 1774 to Wilmington, NC in Bachelor of Leith (PRO.T47.12)
6164. Sinclair, James, b. 1755, farm servant, res. Holm Orkney Islands,
sh. Sept 1775, fr. Kirkwall to Savannah, Georgia in Marlborough, sett.
Richmond Co., Georgia. (PRO.T47.12)
6165. Sinclair, John, coxswain, res. Inverkip Renfrewshire, sh. 18
Aug 1699, fr. Clyde to Darien, in Rising Sun, Edin pr1707 CC8.8.83.
6166. Sinclair, John, parent Sir William Sinclair, sh. 1767, sett.
E. Florida. (PRO.CO5.542)
6167. Sinclair, John, res. Dunnet Caithness, parents William Sinclair,
transported Aug 1680 fr. Leith, in Blossom. (ETR170)
6168. Sinclair, John, b. 1730, tailor, res. Inverness, sh. July 1775,
fr. Stornaway to Philadelphia in Clementina. (PRO.T47.12)
6169. Sinclair, John, b. 1742, farmer, res. Glen Orchy Argyll, sh.
Aug 1774, fr. Greenock to Wilmington, NC in Ulysses, m. Mary … [Sinclair].
6170. Sinclair, John, b. 1760, servant, res. Inverness, sh. July 1775,
fr. Stornaway to Philadelphia in Clementina. (PRO.T47.12)
6171. Sinclair, Margaret, res. Caithness, parents Sir James Sinclair
of Dunbeath, sh. pre 1778, sett. St. Catherine, Middlesex Co., Jamaica.
6172. Sinclair, Margaret, b. 1755, servant, res. Bower Caithness, sh.
Sept 1775, fr. Kirkwall to Savannah, Georgia in Marlborough. (PRO.T47.12)
6173. Sinclair, Patrick, Jacobite, transported 21 April 1716, fr. Liverpool
to South Carolina in Wakefield. (SPC.1716.309)(CTB31.205)
6174. Sinclair, Robert, sh. pre 1772, sett. New York. (SRO.RD4.212.95)
6175. Sinclair, Robert, b. 1685, clergyman, sh. pre 1709, sett. Newcastle,
Delaware. (SCHR.14.148)(SPG.2.11)
6176. Sinclair, Sir William, sh. 1767, sett. E. Florida. (PRO.CO5.542)
6177. Sinclair, William, Jacobite, transported 31 July 1716, fr. Liverpool
to Virginia in Anne. (SPC.1716.310)(CTB31.209)