A thought for the list around the world to those individuals
that think it worthy enough to think about. I have noticed that "Sinclair"
interested news is from time to time quite worthy of public note, and should be
shared. We do have some remarkable items presently. A member of the House of
Lords holding a clan reunion after how may centuries? A fine lady on a rather
interesting Zeno voyage, some Sincs outbacking in the west, and so on. In this
day and age of instant communications and world news we can do a bit of our own
horn tooting. Should this be of value to the world wide clan. It would do
wonders to building the collective heritage. And items like Rosslyn will become
destination sports for people around the world, the propounding of ideas like
Tim's fine articulation, and Nivens ethics can have a wider audience.
What a SincNews would do is to have individual Sincs in
various countries around the world have email addresses to the various news and
editorial departments in the various locations to send information directly or
to keep centrally. New items and stories do require an art form of writing and
there are some do's and don'ts attached, so it does require a bit of skill to
attract the media, maintain credibility and so on. It also entails some good
writing abilities.
Just a thought for down the road and perhaps something that
merry band of adventurers in Scotland this month can discuss. The spin offs in
travel, tourisim and the arts would be surprising. A salute to our members
from around the world gathering this month.
Yours Aye;