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Re: Re The Secret Scroll
I believe John is correct in saying enough is enough, but before we close
the chapter, may I be permitted to say that, as a Freemason for over 25
years, and a Masonic researcher for over 30 years, let me assure Tim that
there are very few secrets within the degrees, that are not known to any
person with the ability to read, to listen and to learn.
I do not know how long you have been a member of the craft Tim, but if you
are a new boy on the block, you could be excused for thinking that it is
still, a society with secrets.
I am sure that in the closeness of time, people, including Sinclair's, will
make up their own minds as to the correctness of Andrew Sinclair's
Interpretation of its signs and symbols, but let me assure you, he brings no
discredit to me personally as a Sinclair.
If he is as bad as you make out, then the discredit is on him.
Ian Sinclair
[Clan Sinclair Study Centre]
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Tim Wallace-Murphy <tim@templartim.freeserve.co.uk>
> To: <sinclair@matrix.net>
> Sent: Friday, August 25, 2000 7:47 AM
> Subject: Re: Re The Secret Scroll
> > Dear Jean,
> >
> > With all due respect for your view on the propriety of verbalising
> > disagreement - in regard to Andrew's so-called interpreation of the
> Kirkwall
> > Scroll, we are not in disagreement - he is just plain wrong and
> > so. As a historian I have an overiding obligation to establish truth
> > where appropriate, distinguish between verifiable fact, respected
> scholarly
> > opinion, reasonable speculation and outright error. To let nonsense such
> as
> > Andrew's latest theory pass without comment is to give it the 'assent of
> > silence' which would be both dishonorable and dishonest as well as
> > perpetuating a lie.
> >
> > The only reason that the true meaning of the Kirkwall Scroll is not
> > disclosed to the generalpublic by its guardians is that it refers to
> > teaching and rituals within the Craft to which all Masons have sworn a
> > of silence. This attitude, of course, leaves the field open to
> > by outsiders which, in this case, could perpetuate nonsense, bring the
> > entire effort to interpret history into disrepute and bring discredit on
> the
> > Sinclairs in general. Should I then remain silent under these
> circumstances?
> > I think not.
> >
> > Best wishes
> >
> > Tim Wallace-Murphy
> >
> > [ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@mids.org
> > [ To get off or on the list, see http://www.mids.org/sinclair/list.html
> >
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