I am having difficulty with Gillascop I make the Gaelic as "genuinely bold"
from Germanic ercan "genuine" and bald "bold". the same as
Archibald. "Although in some instances these transformations were
true translations, that is, literally translating a given name or designation
from one language into its cognate in another (e.g., "Johannes" = "John" =
"Eoin" or "Donnchadh" = "Duncan" = "Duncanus"), in other instances the name was
not actually translated, but rather an unrelated name which had become
associated with it was substituted. For example, the late period Gaelic given
name "Gille-Easpaig" (which derives from the Early Gaelic "gilla", meaning
"servant", and "epscop", meaning "bishop") was usually transformed in Scots
language contexts to the completely unrelated Scots language name "Archibald"
(which derives from Old German "ercan", meaning "genuine" or "simple", and
"bald", meaning "bold")."
ref: Scottish
Names 101 (2nd Edition)
by Sharon L. Krossa An introduction to basic Scottish naming concepts. Scottish Names 101 (Draft 3rd Edition) by Sharon L. Krossa A partially revised edition of the above article, now more useful than the 2nd edition. (Text in black has been revised. Text in grey is still awaiting further revision and may be in error.) A Consideration Of Pictish Names by Heather Rose Jones A comprehensive look at what is known about Pictish names. The Picts were concentrated mainly in the northeast of what is now Scotland but essentially disappeared from record after the Pictish and Scottish kingdoms merged over the course of the 9th and 10th centuries. A Simple Guide to Constructing 12th Century Scottish Gaelic Names by Sharon L. Krossa The information in this guide is taken from the 12th century Gaelic Notes in the Book of Deer. It includes lists of the given names of a number of men and a few women who lived in Scotland, primarily in the north east of Scotland, in the 11th and early 12th centuries. This guide will show you how to construct a "typical" Scottish Gaelic name of this period. However, not all 12th century Scots were Gaels, and thus a Scottish Gaelic name would not be appropriate for all Scottish personas/characters of this period. Quick and Easy Gaelic Names (Draft 3rd Edition) by Sharon L. Krossa The purpose of this article is to explain how to form the most common styles of Irish and Scottish Gaelic name & byname. (Keep in mind that not all Irish and Scots were Gaels, and so a Gaelic name & byname would not be appropriate for all Irish and Scottish personas/characters.) Some Scottish Gaelic Feminine Names at the Medieval Names Archive web site by Josh Mittleman Because of difficulties with sources, Scottish Gaelic women's names are particularly hard to discover. This lists various names that have been identified as being used by Scottish Gaelic women. A List of Feminine Personal Names Found in Scottish Records by Brian Scott This lists many but not all of the medieval women's personal names in Black's The Surnames of Scotland. The names come from several Scottish cultures, including but not limited to Scoto-Norman, Lowland Scots and Gaelic. Be warned, however, that the list does not indicate which names come from which naming culture, nor does it indicate in which language the documents from which the names were extracted were written. It does, though, indicate where to find the names in Black, so that further information may be traced. 13th & 14th Century Scottish Names at the Medieval Names Archive web site by Bryan J. Maloney This lists the personal names and designations of the individuals mentioned in Barbour's epic, The Bruce, which was written in Scots and dates from circa 1376. It therefore gives the late 14th century Scots forms and spellings of late 13th and early 14th century names from several Scottish naming cultures, including Scoto-Norman and Gaelic, and from several non-Scottish naming cultures, including English. Be warned, however, that the list does not indicate which names come from which naming culture. These names are mainly those of noble men. Although some of the comments in the article are sound and accurate, some of are not. Approach with caution. Early 16th Century Scottish Town Women's Names by Sharon L. Krossa These names are appropriate for early 16th century, Scots-speaking town women. They are not appropriate for Gaelic women! Scottish Languages Articles about and resources for the different languages that were spoken at one time or another during the Middle Ages in the area that is now Scotland, including some that explain some of the necessary grammar needed to recreate medieval bynames, such as: Lenition in Gaelic Orthography An explanation of when and how lenition was shown in medieval Gaelic spelling. Medieval Names Archive The most complete index of reliable web articles about pre-1600 names, concentrating on European names. Academy of Saint Gabriel The members of the Academy offer free consultation and assistance in researching medieval names from a variety of cultures, including Scottish. Scottish Names Sharon Krossa 1998 Sharon L. Krossa,
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