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Re: Jacboties
> There can be no apology for the Highland
Clearances without an act of
> institutional contrition. Let the highlands
be resettled by those who can
> prove that they are descendants of cleared
highlanders and other cleared
> Scots. It would be a simple matter of
ammending the laws of immigration and
> citizenship. It surely would bring
a lot of investment into the country.
For what it's worth, my own
view is that the Scottish Parliament should not go about raking all this up
again. It smacks of a bit of a political stunt by Jamie Stone. It is not a topic
to meddle with: in this list alone, we have seen how emotive the subject can be.
It should concentrate on its core function of legislating for the people in
Scotland. I think it is fair to say that most people here have put the pain of
the Clearances behind them.
IMO, to think that the process can be reversed and
the Highlands 'resettled' by descendants of emigrés is slightly
fanciful. I'm not at all sure that there would much interest
No, if the Highlands are to be
repopulated and the Scottish Parliament is to demonstrate any sort on
contrition, the Parliament should open its chequebook and start spending on the
infrastructre (esp. digital) so that 'settlers' can live rurally and work
PS - Jacboties ???