I have an old letter from a Neil Sinclair, who wrote that he was born in Memphis, Tennessee, in 1885. In his early recollections he said his father's name was Neil and his uncle's name was Duncan, and they lived had in New Orleans. He also had a cousin, Alexina, (presumably Duncan's daughter) who later married a McBurney. This is the interesting part, he writes:
"Vaguely I knew that my progenitors came from Scotland and that in the proceeds of immigrating to Canada, by some untoward Act of God, their vessel was blown off course; a number of Sinclairs perished at sea and those that were saved, finally settled in New Orleans. Of these, my father and his brother were surely in some way connected with those who survived."
Does this story shake any leaves in your collective trees? I've found out that the writer, Neil, later moved to California, and I was able to find a death record for him - 03/09/56, and it notes that his middle name was "Bethel", his mother's maiden name.
On the Canadian front, I know he is distantly related, we also have
the shipwreck story.
It happened in 1845. I know his ancestors came to Boston Mill,
Ontario, and that the body of at least one of the deceased was brought
there for burial- Alexander, born 1814. There is a magnificent celtic
cross, probably 16 feet high, at the cemetery there, which reads "SINCLAIR
- NEW ORLEANS'. Maybe its there to commemorate the
rest of the family who perished.
Does this story shake any leaves in your collective trees? How does this Neil relate? Was he a newphew, or a grandson? What happened to his own son Neil? I've spent days on the internet checking out Neils, but have hit a brick wall.
Any help out there?
Toni Sinclair