Dear Niven and Iain,
Thank you for taking the time to share this information with
me. I am relatively new at genealogy, so I appreciate everyone's
In reviewing previous posts I noted some discussion on genetic
traits of the Sinclairs. I, and all my siblings have varying shades of red
hair as our father did. Also all of us but one have very light green eyes;
the remaining sibling has blue eyes. Our skin is very fair. My
youngest sister and I have an identical cowlick that our father had as
well. It is at the hairline just above the right side of our
foreheads. I have a somewhat circular, dusky pink-type birthmark
that is under the skin just to the right of my left shoulder blade, and my
youngest sister had a red birthmark on her thigh that faded to brown as she got
older. Oh, and I am left-handed as is my baby sister ! And all of us
have a bit of a temper but are really softies inside. :o)
I was wondering if there is any prevalent blood-type in the
Clan Sinclair or Scots in general, as I have an Rh negative blood
Rebecca Snody