I can not help but forwarding this inspiring
message from an American Clan Commissioner. Sinclairs are born of stern
stuff. From the Chief to the common worker we stand in the light of
freedoms day as long as we have men and women with such dreams. Whatsoever we
beg of God, let us also work for it.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mel Sinclair <mel.sinclair@home.com> To: Labehotierre <labehotierre@wanadoo.fr> Date: 07 November 2000 14:22 Subject: RE: America gu bràth Sinclair.....it's always good to hear from you.
It will be safe to say that *this* Sinclair family will vote today, as whenever
given the opportunity. I remember when our three kids were small and we
were going on a trip. Election day was the day that we had planned to
leave.....and leave we did....*after* my wife and I cast our votes. We
made certain that the kids knew that we were slightly delaying our trip in
order to vote. We wanted the kids to *see* how important voting is.
How we
behave (what we do) is far more important than what we say.
I pray
for our country and for God's blessings as we vote today. We must have the
proper leadership for our future.
freedom ring! ......Yours Aye,