COLONEL P. SINCLAIR, D.S.O., C.F. IN pre-war days "Padre Sinclair" was parish minister of Urquhart, Elgin, and Territorial Chaplain to the 6th Seaforths. On the outbreak of war he offered his services, and was posted to the Highland Division and attached to the Artillery. On the Division leaving for France he was appointed Senior Chaplain, which post he held during the whole war.Though nominally attached to Divisional Headquarters, he yet invariably billeted with the Field Ambulances which were in charge of the advanced dressing stations. He was promoted Lieutenant-Colonel in March 1916, mentioned in dispatches in December 1917, awarded the D.S.O. in January 1918, and captured at the advanced dressing station at Doignies on March 21,1918. He was repatriated from Germany on November 3, 1918, and rejoined the Division on November 26, 1918. He was once wounded---on August 6, 1917.He was most unselfish, and risked his life constantly in the front areas in his anxiety to see that every man obtained a decent burial. He disdained to use either car or horse, and was a familiar figure on the French roads on foot or bicycle. His quiet, unostentatious demeanour, combined with an impulsive generosity and unfailing cheerfulness, even in captivity, made him one of the most popular members in the Division. |