Have you ever had to add your checkbook several
times before you could reconcile it? Now apply that to the millions of
votes cast.
Our founding fathers did not ever want under 10
states being able to determine the leader of a country that (now) has 50
states. This was and still is our guarantee that 50 states should be
necessary to decide the presidency. If you will look at the US map showing
the states divided between the two candidates you will see just how important
our electoral college is. When unions and political machines rule our
country's leader, we are in a very precarious situation. Unfortunately we
have too many sheep and not enough independent thinkers. Case in point -
we have a very dearly loved friend who freely admits that he would vote for the
devil himself if he was a registered democrat! We also have a friend who
is a Republican who admits the same thing. We also have a friend who was
under extreme pressure from the NAACP to vote the way they dictated their people
to vote. The only solution is to teach our children to be independent