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RE: "Nothing to fear but fear itself"
Hi all,
I'm one of the long time "lurkers" in the group. :)
I found this:
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32nd President of the United States, stated, "We
have nothing to fear, but fear itself."
I've confirmed it with a few other searches.
Just a shot in the dark; anyone else here of Metis decent? Specifically of
the Red River Valley settlement started by Lord Selkirk?
Myself? I'm a descendant of William Sinclair through a marriage to an
Inkster that came over with the HBC (Hudson's Bay Company).
I do know that I'm a direct descendant of John Inkster whom created the
"Seven Oaks Lodge" house (built in 1851) near the famous "Battle of Seven
Oaks" that took place between the Northwest Trading Company (with Metis
leader Louis Reil in 1816) and HBC in present day Winnipeg, Manitoba,
Beyond that, other than knowing that Inksters were predominately of the
Scottish Orkney Isles (Vikings even! Cool!), and I'm the last generation to
claim Metis "status" (even though the word Metis isn't defined; a whole
different ball of wax) that's about all I know.
If you have any information, let me know!
Take care,
Jeff Inkster
Toronto, ON, Canada
"Someone else's opinion of you doesn't have to become your reality"
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-----Original Message-----
From: owner-sinclair@matrix.net [mailto:owner-sinclair@matrix.net]On Behalf
Of Tim Wallace-Murphy
Sent: November 14, 2000 10:34 AM
To: sinclair@matrix.net
Subject: Re: "Nothing to fear but fear itself"
Dear Friends,
Rational Fear is a good servant that protects us from harm, Irrational Fear
is a terrifying master which is always destructive. Pehaps the best
definition of Irrational Fear is
False Evidence Appearing Real.
Best wishes
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[ This is the Sinclair family discussion list, sinclair@mids.org
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