----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2000 6:45
Subject: RE: Knight's Move
months ago I wrote to William Buehler about a dream I had had. The dream
is not important.
the dream came ideas, the ideas built on the knowledge I already had, and
started to form a pattern regarding CHESS.
have only recently come to realise how the wonderful game of Chess consists of
unseen puzzles, keys, clues and history.
game was brought back to Europe from the crusades after contact with the
Islamic world. Few Europeans took advantage of Islamic knowledge, but we
know the Templars certainly did; riches is in Knowledge! Cartography,
Astronomy, Mathematics, Medicines, gardens and more.
William Buehler has revealed the Knight's (Templar)
move for our benefit.
Bishops were originally Ships, plying the seas and tacking with the Winds,
winning trade routes, exploration of new lands and Knowledge per Prince
Church was quick to modify the game to introduce its authority and relace
ships with Bishops, but the diagonal movement no longer makes sense for this
Rook is styled as a tower or (Magdala) rather than as a castle, an overt clue
to Mary Magdalene, same can be seen in the Tarot Cards also introduced with
hidden meaning into Europe.