Jean Stokes,
Your last letter simply reminded me that it was
something I was going to suggest long ago. My main concern at the moment
is a letter from Toni Sinclair to the site dated Nov. 1, 2000 in which she
states that "Jean and I will be corresponding off the list, since we
haven't snagged anyone else looking for New Orleans and Memphis
Sinclairs". I cannot invision why I would be wanting to
"snag" anyone for anything so I assume she was referring to
Since I have sent Toni an unpublished but
copyrighted portion of a book from my Archives on this Louisiana/Memphis branch,
I am unsure if she was referring to me or if she was referring to you or even
to someone else on the list. Her response was to "Ken" who has
no connection with the bloodline (his letter of November 1) and yet is
apparently compiling a Sinclair digest, it has just been a source of confusion
to me.
Another example - I sent a package to a man in
Maryland which should have been sent to a man in Indiana with the same name -
both given and surname. There are also two Judy Blackwells, so the list
could go on and on and on.
If it takes too long to sign your real name, forget
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2000 3:27 PM
Subject: Re: letters re. "skull and bones" and
Hello Jean, I think I am the other Jean you are referring
to, and I use my Given name sometimes and Sinead sometimes, so I will try to
remember to be Sinead full time on the list. Milamba (my daughter) and I seem
to upset people also and you don't need that either.
It is easier to
use a single term/ name/ typing furiously so willl that help? We are
Australian so we sit back and chuckle at the election stories and console our
Brother in law who, as an Air Traffic Controller was forced to leave America
to survive in his job. I believe President Reagan had something to do with
that, but as we tell him, it was a gain for us and our sister-in
Any way, I usually enjoy looking at your material. I leave the
geneological research to Milamba
If you everdecide to take advantage of
the dollar advantage to take a trip, give us acll in Melbourne. It is in the
Southern part of Australia, and about 500k or so from
Sinead 09:54 AM 23/11/00 -0800, you wrote:
someone submitted some info on a college organization named Skull &
Bones started by a bunch of college boys apparently, among whom was the
grandfather of George W. Bush. This person did not educate us but left
enough innuendos to rather upset me as I (as an independent) did vote for
George W. As I am an avid reader and feel pretty well educated, I made
an attempt to find out what I could. I finally accidentally found the answer while sitting in a beauty
salon - an article in the NATIONAL INQUIRER. I failed to copy the date
but would suspect it was a very recent one since it certainly never came out
until this election mess, but it was the article following the world shaking
article, "I was Arrested for Snoring on a Bus".
May I suggest that if anyone is
going to share world shaking news with others to please always list your
source so that others can verify and not rush to judgment which I could well
have done had I mentioned this "news" to anyone
else. By the way, having been to
college, had a daughter who went to college and am now sweating the grandson
in college, I would not advise anyone to judge any man or woman by what they
did in college. My grandson called me to say he has now removed his
earring because he really doesn't need it anymore and it is a hassel.
I almost fell out of my chair laughing and responded that what he really
meant is that he is now a junior and doesn't really feel the need to shock
everyone in the family. My great- nephew
just got out of the Marine Corps and has the FIRST tatoo in our genealogy
back to 1698. I consoled his father by saying that at least it is
where a shirt sleeve will cover it when he doesn't want it anymore.
The point is every mother out there has a similar story and thank God they
will never appear in The Inquirer unless they should enter politics.
Not that might make me leave them out of the family
history! Now, speaking of skulls
and to get back to the Sinclairs, - There was a Sinclair grave desecrated
and the entire skeleton placed for public display (no, not by college kids
but by a grown up, middle aged doctor who was "curious".)
After his death the skeleton was reburied - without the skull. If
anyone knows the whereabouts of this skull, please let me know as it is one
of my unpublished familiy mysteries and the unfortunate man did leave
descendants. A note to Tim
Wallace-Murphy if he has not been kicked off the site for expressing his
opinion. I do not know enough
about ancient history to either agree or disagree with you. However, I
did enjoy reading your letter which was well written and gave us your view
of the subject and the word "flakey" did not offend me as it was
unimportant and was what any elementary teacher will tell you - a word that
can be ingested by inference. Since I was reading for education and the word
"flaky" had no meaning in that context, I did not even realize you
had used it until the "hullabaloo" following. It reminded me
of a college professor who was having coffee with me and other professors in
the faculty lounge when he referred to one of his students as "a
flake". The entire lounge became dead silent as they all knew he
was referring to my daughter who was going through a horrendous divorce and
at the same time going back to complete college as the first step to
supporting herself and two children. I just laughed and told him to
"watch it, that's my daughter you're talking about and I have the same
gene pool". Everyone laughed and I then explained to him (it was
his first year) about her stress at the moment. By the way, the flake
did graduate from A & M and very happily remarried after 11 years.
And more importantly, I am still on very good terms with that
professor. We grin every time we see each other and we both are
thinking the work "flake" but it has never been broached
again! I, too, made a statement
on this list last year hoping to reach someone without confrontation.
Apparently another little group thought I was referring to them (if the shoe
fits, wear it?) and I received the one and only hate letter I have ever
received in my life. It was not ugly, it was vicious. Since you
were attacked publicly, I would like to state to everyone that if we cannot
as educated people disagree on this site without a group jumping in to their
relative's aid, and you decide to kick him off the site if you haven't
already, please kick me off also. I thought long and hard before I typed this as I have no desire to
receive another hate letter. If that person feels the need to repeat
last year's attack re. me minding my own business, causing dissention, etc.
etc. etc. etc. etc. I respectfully ask that you direct it to the site rather
than to me personally. A small
thing but since there are apparently others with the same first name on the
site, it might help to always add your surname to assure that you don't get
credit or blame for someone elses messages. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day and please get back to
history and genealogy. Jean