DEar Friends,
An urgent word of caution about Andrew Sinclair's
conclusions on the Kirkwall Scroll. Apart from the carbon dating, which I do not
question, his conclusions are so far off the mark as to be grossly misleading.
The meaning of the centre panel of the scroll is obvious to anyone with even a
rudimentary knowledge of Freemasonry and, except in a very indirect way, have
nothing to do with Rosslyn Chapel.
Andrew's capacity to fly off on a tangent based on
nil eveidence is almost legendary, for example the so-called Loiusburg Cannon
advanced as evidence of Prince Henry's landfall is just one of his
horrendous boobs, but this time he has excelled himself and, to be frank, has
muddied the waters so badly that any serious researcher will now have to battle
furiosly just to overcome the misconceptions he has advanced about the
For God's sake do not take his ideas seriously
until such time, if ever, they are confirmed by at least two scholars of
Best wishes