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Re: Va.StClailrs
Yes, My Grandfather was named Grover Cleveland St.Clair after the President
Grover Cleveland, my father's oldest brother is also Grover Cleveland
St.Clair Jr. So Im not really sure about the John Cleveland St.Clair.
You also asked if any of my people are from Bedford Co., Virginia, and yes
they are. It seems the Sinkler/St.Clair/Sinclairs moved from Prince William
Co., Virginia up to Bedford Co., Virgina and what is now Botetourt Co.,
Virginia and a few on up into Montgomery Co.,Virginia before some headed on
out westward. My greatgrand father, John R. St.Clair was born in Bedford Co.,
Virginia but moved to Montgomery Co., and owned a huge farm there. My
grandfather Grover Cleveland and his siblings were born there in Montgomery
Co., VA. Grover Cleveland St.Clair Sr. later moved to WV out side of Beckley
in Glen White to work in the coal mines after being laid off from the
Railroad here in Roanoke, VA. during the Great Depression. He had three
children born here and my father was the first born in WV he was the fouth of
the eight. After WWII my father married my mother and moved back to the
Roanoke area. He had met her while visting his uncle Charile St.Clair in
Montgomery Co. My father never moved back to West Virginia , although most of
his siblings are still in the Beckley area. Growing up here I didn't
realize that all the St.Clair's in the Vinton, Bedford Co, were kin to me.
Growing up there were four St.Clair family's on our street. If you dig back
far enough they are all kin here.
My decent is Alexander from Scotland, Wayman Sr. , Robert Sr, Robert Jr.,
William S., John R., Grover Cleveland, Harrison M., Timberly Ann St.Clair
On the kidney disease I know my Aunt Etta said when she attended a St.Clair
Reunion in Winchester VA , a while back there were many there with it. I
guess I need to call and write her and see if I can get more out of who has
this reuion ect. I have found that some older people are willing to share
everything with you and a few still have the closed mouth idea. They think
you are digging up family dirt..ha! She will share some direct things alot I
ask she will ignore like it never was asked. She is now in her mid 80's , but
still is doing great! So we are not only crazy but alot of them live for a
long.. time. My aunt Etta was the first I asked for information on the
St.Clair line I believe the Christmas of 1994, I recieved a album book she
made into a Family Tree book for me. She had a copy of Jean Grigby's page on
Alexander and Wayman Sr. copied in there along with some photos and
information on my great grandfather John R. St.Clair. From there she started
with my grandfather Grover Cleveland and alot of info on him and my
grandmother St.Clair with photos and information on all my aunts and uncles
on down to myself. At that time and point I thought there was no need to dig
anymore on the St.Clair line . Boy was I shocked when I finally did .
Learning I went to school with distant cousins and they lived right here
around me. Now of course I am addicted , my teenage daughters laugh and say
I'm diggin up bones and always ask me "Who died today?" since I never throw
out the obit section now, and indeed they swear I'm crazy for taking pictures
of St.Clair headstones. Well sorry to have bored any of the list not
Anymore questions ?? Let me know...
Smiles Always~