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Re: Temple
It's the MAY issue, page 47
aileen shield wrote:
> I bought a copy of the Fortean Times yesterday at the Barnes & Noble
> bookstore in Omaha, NE and did not find the article mentioned. I have looked
> through it twice. Maybe I am just missing something, but if someone finds it
> I'd really like to know on what page. Thanks
> ------Original Message------
> From: jeffnpat <jeffnpat@nis.net>
> To: Duguid John <John.Duguid@british-energy.com>, sinclair@matrix.net,
> sinclair@matrix.net
> Sent: April 27, 2001 3:54:12 AM GMT
> Subject: Re: Temple
> April 26, 2001
> Dear John:
> Historic Scotland tells me that the belfry of Temple Kirk, below which is
> the
> inscribed stone, was built in, as I recall, the 17th century. But according
> to
> my research it is entirely unclear whether it was built or simply REbuilt,
> using existing materials. HS also says that the stone is probably what they
> call a "found stone," used because it fit the job at hand. HS also says
> that
> the inscription is probably incomplete. Next time you go there, take a
> look.
> Try to feel whether or not a builder would put an inscription in such a
> prominent place, having no idea as to the message the inscription held, and
> on
> a church at that, when the inscription could have just as easily been turned
> to
> the inside with no one being any the wiser.
> If it WAS a "found stone," I propose that it would have probably been
> "found"
> nearby (perhaps from the original Templar headquarters).
> When the Templar order was dissolved in 1307, it's thought that several
> shiploads of knights managed to escape and sailed away to Scotland.
> Ballantrodoch, as Temple was then called, then passed into the hands of the
> Knights Hospitaller, who are thought to have acccepted the fugitive knights
> into their ranks for safety's sake, but it is also thought that the order
> continued to have its own autonomy within that group. At the Reformation,
> ownership of Temple reverted to the crown before being "purchased" by the
> Dundas "of Arniston" in the late 1500s, in whose hands it remained until it
> was
> acquired, in some fashion or another, by the Midlothian Council. It is
> still
> owned by Midlothian Council, and is under the stewardship of Historic
> Scotland
> since 1971, the same year a number of other Templar properties (including at
> least part of the Roslin Chapel complex) were either purchased or acquired
> (or
> an understanding was reached about). I am unclear about this until I check
> my
> files.
> Parts of the Kirk at Temple are very old, others less so. No clear record
> has
> been made, just architectural observations--so it's all still very much up
> in
> the air. In the last 20 years there has been some restoration work done by
> James Simpson, an eminent Scottish architect who has done quite a bit of
> work
> for Historic Scotland. Two of his projects are the current restoration work
> done on Roslin Chapel, and the work done on Edinburgh's Magdalene Chapel.
> James is aware of my research, and has expressed some interest in it, but he
> has also expressed some skepticism about the antiquity of the stone. I have
> only this to say: Let's find out ...
> If you get into Edinburgh, I'm sure you'll find the May issue of Fortean
> Times
> in any of the larger book/magazine stores. It's supposed to be on sale now.
> All Best!
> Jeff
> PS: There's a Dundas graveslab inside the roofless kirk, in the northeast
> corner. Compare the carving on it with the Templar graveslab in Roslin.
> Laurence Gardner, author of "Bloodline of the Holy Grail," would call it a
> Grail Stone, as would Andrew Sinclair, author of another book on the
> subject.
> It's my opinion that Temple was in the hands of the Templars for much, much
> longer than the historians would like us to believe.
> Duguid John wrote:
> > Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2001 21:01:12 -0400
> > Hi Jeff i caught your e-mail to the Sinclair List and was intrigued by it.
> I
> > have visited Temple a number of times and have never noticed the
> inscription
> > you mention. I am sure that the old church was built much later than the
> > dissolution of the Templar order 1307. therefore are you saying that you
> > think there was some continuation of the Templar order in Scotland after
> > this date. The information I have seen states that nothing now remains of
> > the original HQ at Balantrodoch save some foundations discovered in the
> > locality in the 1890's.
> >
> > Anyway I'm looking forward to reading your article when it becomes
> > available, although I've yet to see a copy of the Fortean times being sold
> [ Excess quotations omitted. ]
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- Follow-Ups:
- Re: Temple
- From: "Ward Ginn" <wginn@worldnet.att.net>
- References:
- Re: Temple
- From: aileen shield <shieldtracer@juno.com>