I would suggest for
you to order the microfilms in (for both counties) from either two ways, as not
all censuse have been index (and it would be faster to skip indexes, if you
already know the county that you are looking for):
1. In
Canada, we can inter-library loan census from our National Archives to
local library, possibly they do the same in United
2. Go to your
local LDS (Mormon) branch library & order the microfilms in (get microfilm
roll no. from their library catalog website) In Canada it cost $5.00 a
roll & you get to look at them for 5 weeks.
All available census schedules, from 1790 to
1920, have been microfilmed and are available at the National Archives in
Washington, D.C., at the National Archives' regional archives in twelve states,
at the LDS Family History Library and LDS family history centers throughout
North America, at many large libraries, and through microfilm lending companies.
Some state and local agencies may have census schedules only for the state or
area served.