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Re: No more
Dear Richard,
While I admit that English is only my third chronological language from
birth, I would respectfully submit that I, nonetheless, use it with some
clarity and precision. Evidence for that is on the bookshelves in the United
Kingdom, Ireland, the USA, Australia, South Africa as well as in
translations into six European langauges. I have also earned international
respect as a public speaker of considerable skill.
Therefore, if you persist in mis-understanding plain English whether written
by myself or others, I cannot usefully persue this debate and will close my
contribution to it with this final statement.
On Armistice Sunday, as a town councillor I accompanied the Mayor, Deputy
Mayor and fellow councillors of Totnes Town Council, ex-servicemen and
women, members of the British Legion, local Youth organisations and the
townspeople of Totnes to a service of remeberance at the local War
We were there to honour the men and women who made the supreme sacrifice
during the 'War to End All Wars' and all the bloody wars that followed it.
Those whose sacrifice we honoured that morning gave their lives so we might
remain free and enjoy the inalienable rights of Freedom of Speech and
The issues we have been discussing were, on my part at least, put from a
perspective that arises from common humanity and compassion. As they touched
on matters arising out of the present conflict in Afghanistan, perhaps
understandably, your responses became somewhat heated.
I staunchly uphold and defend the principle of free speech so dearly bought
by the sacrifice of our war dead and will continue to debate issues of
concern that naturally arise when our political masters send troops to risk
their lives on our behalf As a duty to the comrades I lost in action in
Korea, Malaya and elsewhere, and in gratitude for my own survival, there are
times when I have not merely the right, but the duty to question the actions
of our political masters. Not all the campaigns I took part in were
necessarily moraly justified, but as a serviceman I was bound not to
question and simply do my duty.
When Britain, France and Israel went to war in Egypt in 1965 in moraly
questionable circumstances I recall that it was American public and
political opinion that brought that unjustified war to a halt.
Out of respect for the war dead, and as a tribute to the servicemen of
today, should we let evil be done in our name without comment or question?
Should we let our servicemen give their all for an unjustifiable, or at
least highly questionable, act of war against a largely civilian population?
Does one act of terror compensate for another?
Those who deny the right of free speech to others and who define democracy
as 'agreeing with our side only' devalue the supreme sacrifice made by so
many in defence of our rights.
Time will tell whether or not the present conflict is justifiable. But one
thing is certain, it will spawn far more terrorism in the future than we
have suffered in the past. We have sown the wind and will reap the
Thats my last comment on this matter
Best wishes
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- References:
- No more
- From: "Gordon J. Sinclair" <gjsinclair@ntlworld.com>
- Re: No more
- From: "Sinclair" <labehotierre@wanadoo.fr>
- Re: No more
- From: "Gordon J. Sinclair" <gjsinclair@ntlworld.com>
- Re: No more
- From: Richard Huseth <rhuseth@ev1.net>
- Re: No more
- From: Richard Huseth <rhuseth@ev1.net>
- Re: No more
- From: Richard Huseth <rhuseth@ev1.net>