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Crest: cockerel
Subj: Theory re the meaning of the Sinclair Cockerel. Responding to Neil Sinclair's question (included below).
Greetings Neil,
Upfront: I do not have the answers to where and when the Sinclair cock originated. I'm not an historian or academic fellow, I'm a simple mystic; this happens to be a mystery that has been most intriguing to me for some while in my work regarding Henry Sinclairs' Arms. I've added a few notes below that have already been presented in this list that seem useful but I am not in any position to present references. I am only going on intuition based on discovering consistent geometric formats in temples and earth grids related to Templar/Sinclair activities. My definition of "Lynn" is from DWELLY'S Gaelic to English Dictionary; Gairm Publication, Glasgow.
If you wish more details contact me directly, off list. I'm trying to avoid complex technical stuff and deep spiritual dynamics in this list.
This is what I think I've found:
1. A principal ley line exists from Thurso to San Sebastian/Hendaye (Spain/France: a single energetic matrix). It goes through the Holy-Rood Sanctuary in Edinburgh, Rosslyn, Glastonbury Tor, and a few other notable sites having spiritual applications.
Note: a "ley line" connects two or more energy poles. "Energy" relates to frequency levels beyond the scope of mundane science. It supports complex matrices of consciousness/thought forms. In their lower ranges they may sometimes be detected as magnetic anomalies and can often be found by dowsers, but there are a number of variables in this area too many and too complicated to wade through. These matrices can be installed and maintained through spiritual practices; the duration of the forms again depending on numerous variables but they might last for thousands of years. Ley lines are usually quite straight, not the telluric "Dragon" lines that complement them, and are usually artifacts: man-made. The purpose of a ley line is to combine powerful energy sites into a synergically unified system that can be used as a shaman's or priest's staff is used; a tool facilitating spiritual transmutation.
2. In Henrys' Arms we find a large "Shamir" (serpent, dragon, letter noun in Hebrew codes) above a helmet supported by the Sinclair shield (I'm avoiding the standard heraldic terms). The shield is canted at 26.3 degrees... this angle is not precisely found in the present use of the shield, its my own "correction" of a few degrees. Its a very important angle in sacred geometry and one also found... again my theory... in the shaping of the vesica "cups" or "grails" in the Sinclair black engrailed cross. This large subject would involve a commentary regarding manifestation dynamics and their application to the Shield's meaning... not included here.
Henry's Arms is a template for a large Earth Grid. If the eye of the Shamir is Thurso then we drop a vertical line so that the point of intersection with the shield's top is the center of a 40 mile diameter grid including Edinburgh. The Center is at the ruin of St. Mary's Chapel just south of Rosslyn. This vertical line is the Thurso ley-line noted above and it includes a very large "grail" grid between Edinburgh and Glastonbury, again using the 26.3 "Christ/Bethlehem Angle" to form a vesica with the Holy Island at Anglesey Head. Thus I am strongly emphasizing the importance of this "Thurso Line."
3. If we combine the Thurso Line with the Shamir/serpent we can view it as the Serpent Staff of Aesculpius (Greek god of healing) or the Serpent Staff of Moses which is also correlated with/as the Christ (John 3:14-15). This also connects with classic Grail lore, as a mechanism that supports healing and regeneration of life and rebirth. Again this returns to creation dynamics and again emphasizes the importance of this essential ley line. There are other critical aspects of the Line but my point is made.
4. "Lyn/lynn" in Scot Gaelic means "line, lion, water fall, brood of 12, BROOD HEN, etc." I'm emphasizing the "brood hen, of 12." With the number 12 we move into extensive temple geometry and applied spiritual formats: tribes, zodiacal temples, pantheons, et al. Energetically we can pick 12/13 holy sites (a "brood of 12") in Great Britain, including Ireland/Scotland or other sites in Europe, and transfer their charge(s) to the Thurso Line... this is how a staff is created. The line becomes a "Line-of-12" and can be constantly upgraded to fit any existing situation. (This subject would then move into the use of nonlinear time.)
5. "Roslynn" means "Rose-Line" and the Thurso Line could also pick up that function, the "Rose" correlating with the Grail, Rose Mystica, etc., in contemporary mysticism. The Chapel is a controlling mechanism for the whole line, with effect in all of Europe and the Americas. This is more extensive in studying Earth Grids but the point is made. This study would also vector more deeply into the 1398 CE "Grail-Across-The-Atlantic" expedition objectives and would also tie into a Planet-encircling serpent line going up the US East Coast, through Nova Scotia and Southern England (Michael-Mari Line) and then onward.
I believe that the Sinclair Arms' Cock as the Shield's crest includes the Chanter-Clair rooster symbolism identifying with the Sun and a new day however I also see it as the living vehicle that fertilizes the Brood-Hen's 12 eggs ie the Thurso-ley or Line-of-12. Assuming that, then the question comes up: "What are the 'eggs' and what are the codes they are fertilized with? ... How does this then interact with the dynamics of the Shield?" (I have my own answers to this but I think that each person must define their own Grail.)
If the Sinclair Arms were correctly drawn, by my own theories, the eye of the Cock would be vertical with the center of the shield's top in the same manner that Henry used the Shamir. I think that Henry must have used the Shamir as a correspondent with the Cock in a unified mechanism. This would then become the Bird-Serpent archetypal Staff noted above (the archetype generally has the bird lifting the serpent; it is also found as the Caduceus, Feathered-Serpent, etc.) This would become the energetic and consciousness format for "Committing (the) Work to God."
Respectfully submitted,
Bill Buehler of Colorado
Minister: Church of Antioch
CDR (USN Ret.)
Sinclair in Spirit
From: "Neil Sinclair" <rinsin@globalserve.net>
To: <sinclair@quarterman.org>
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2001 5:35 PM
Subject: Re: New Topic Crest
Where did the cock come from on the Sinclair Crest? When was it first
adopted? Why is it symbolic?
From: "Neil Sinclair" <rinsin@globalserve.net>
Subject: Re: New Topic Crest
Greetings Cousins;
This crest issue has me going. Symbols are picked for a reason. We know that
the clan motto goes way way back to the building of Rosslyn if not before.
But the adoption of heraldry was as I understand it later. Out Sinclair
colors black engrailed cross go back I understand to Queen Margaret circa
1057. But the history of the crest is baffling.
Now for students of Kipling and R.L. Stevenson, cock fighting and gaming was
quite a sport. Put two male roosters in the same pen and bet on which
rooster will kill the other. It was quite the Scottish and English sport in
1700-1800 and was specifically banned under various criminal code statutes
in the 20th century.
But Sinclair heraldry is unique and very ancient. Is there a symbol we are
Neil Sinclair
From: bruce carlyon <Bruce_Carlyon@syncsoft.com.au>
Subject: RE: New Topic Crest
It links into the name Saint Clair; Holy Light.
The Cock/Rooster
It works with the 'Light';
The coming of the dawn,
its first colours and announces the presence of the light to the world
who remain in the dark of their safe little homes...
Mind you when I reaslised one of my chooks was a rooster I got rid of it
quick smart,
each morning I thought I heard a crying child, to only realise on day three
it was my chicken which was becoming a rooster.
From: "Iain" <iain.laird@totalise.co.uk>
Subject: Re: New Topic Crest
I think it may also be a play on words, as in the Norman French legend, the
Cockrel is "Chanticler" = Chanter Clair = Sing Clair.
Yours aye
From: Ian Sinclair <iansin@passport.ca>
Subject: Re: New Topic Crest
Cousins: I am very interested in the several interpretations of the cock in
the crest; however, no one has yet answered the question as to the first
known use of the crest, ie. both motto and cock. Anyone know, or have an
educated guess?
Ian A.Sinclair
From: "Sinclair" <labehotierre@wanadoo.fr>
Subject: Re: New Topic Crest
The cock was allegedly awarded to Richard de Saint Clair, the only St Clair
listed in the Battle Abbey Rolls, by William the Conqueror. Companions of
Duke William at Hastings
The combination of all the known Battle Abbey Rolls, including Dukes,
Counts, Barons, Seigneurs who attended William at Hastings. These were the
commanders, they were the elite who had provided ships, horses, men and
supplies for the venture.
Ref Companions of the Conqueror : Lecture given in 1944 by Geoffrey White,
the authority on who really came with William the Conqueror in
1066.Bernstein, David, The Mystery of the Bayeux Tapestry (1987); Howarth,
David, 1066 the Year of the Conquest (1978); Ingram, James (translator), The
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (1823); Wood, Michael, In Search of the Dark Ages
(1987). http://www.btinternet.com/~mrfield/Conquest/claims.htm
....Taking a tip from the most recent postings to this list, I will now
contribute something that may capture your imaginations more. It's
about the cock.
Although not personally related to Alexander Nisbet, who died without
heirs, I may have been descended from collateral branches of his
family. According to his 1722 "System of Heraldry," the cock is "an
emblem of watchfulness, and herald of the approaching day, frequent in
arms and devices; and for its nature and royalty is ensigned with a
diadem singular for its valour, and mirth after victory. Heralds are
not wanting to make him represent a complete soldier, in courage and
armour, cap-a-pee [this sounds French], making his comb to stand for a
helmet, his chollars for a husk, his hooked bill for a falchion or
cutlas, and his legs armed with spurs." [Brackets mine]
His book then goes on to list many Scottish Afamilies of the name
Cockburn, without mentioning any Sinclairs.
Alexander Nisbet, very knowledgeable in both Heraldry and Scottish
Genealogy, applied several times to get meaningful employment at the
Lord Lyon's office in Edinburgh, but was never accepted into that
tight-knit fold. He lived basically from hand to mouth, at the good
graces of wealthier and landed relatives.
All Best for Now,
Jeff Nisbet